Chinese rose Hibiscus rosa sinensis - silhouette, care

More about the plant below:

Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

category : shrubs, potted

position : partial shade, sun

height : 0.8-3 m

wintering : rooms, 15-18 ° C

reaction soil : indifferent

preferences soil : fertile, humus, permeable

watering : a lot

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : red, pink, orange, yellow, purple, white

habit : bushy, woody

period flowering : March-September

seed : -

reproduction:apical or woody cuttings, layering

persistence leaves : evergreen

application : balconies, terraces, rooms

pace of growth : fast

Chinese rose - silhouetteDevelopment of the Chinese roseChinese rose - positionChinese rose careChinese rose - winteringApplication of the Chinese roseAdvice

Chinese rose - silhouette

Whoever has seen romantic pictures from Hawaii on TV or in the press must have noticed that the inhabitants of this exotic island decorate their bodies with beautiful flowers.These are, among others, hibiscus.The shrubs come from tropical regions of China and are also adopted in our native soil.Hibiscus is liked for its wonderful coloration of large, straight and full flowers.

We recommend during care:

Development of the Chinese rose

The Chinese rose is sold in the form of a shrub or tree. In containers it grows up to 1-2 meters and has a rather loose structure.In its homeland it grows up to about 10 meters.

Chinese rose - position

In sunny places, plants bloom better, but you should avoid exposing them to bright sunlight.

Chinese rose care

The Chinese rose must be watered abundantly in summer and it should be fed weekly.Overdrying the root ball results in the loss of leaves and weaker flowering.In order for the shrubs to maintain their bushy habit, they can be trimmed a bit each spring.Regular pruning of the shoots is required during the summer. Thanks to this, the plants will maintain a nice dense crown.

Chinese rose - wintering

We winter the Chinese rose in a bright and possibly warm quarters at a temperature of 14-16 ° C. Avoid drying the root ball.Plants are sensitive to cold, so they can only be exposed to the open air after cold gardeners in mid-May.

Chinese rose application

Chinese rose is recommended for terraces and warm winter gardens. Plants bloom best at 17-28 ° C.


The Chinese rose can be propagated from semi-woody shoots collected in spring.Plant the seedlings in a slightly damp substrate.

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