Brown rot of pome trees , otherwise known as moniliosis, is one of the major diseases of apple and pear trees, caused by the fungus Moniliana fructigena. It is especially dangerous in rainy and warm summers, and its main symptom isfruit rot on treesSee how to protect apples and pears against this disease. Here are the best ways tocontrol pome brown rot , recommended conservation measures and spraying timing!
Brown rot of pome trees - apple rotting on the tree
Symptoms of brown rot of pome treesmay appear as early as May during apple blossoming, when it is humid and warm. The flowers turn brown en masse and die, remaining on the tree. The fungus penetrates from the infected flowers to the shoots, which become covered with yellow-cream warts and die.
More often, however,symptoms of brown rot of pome treesappear only on ripening fruits. A common symptom isbrown rot spots , forming mainly around the damaged skin of the fruit (you can clearly see it in the photo above - rotting apple with previously damaged skin). The spots formdusty, creamy-white warts arranged in concentric circlesThe apples rot on the tree and fall or remain on the branches, gradually turning into the so-called mummies - black, dry fruits that stay on the tree until the next season.
Brown rot of pome trees - rotting pears
In years with high rainfallcombating the brown rot of pome trees is a must . Prophylaxis is of great importance in the protection of pome trees against brown rot.
Therefore, when we perform winter pruning of fruit trees, it is worth collecting and destroying mummified fruits, which are the place of mushroom wintering and the source of spring infection. During the growing season, we systematically remove diseased shoots and dying flowers. Infested shoots, flowers, fruit and mummies should be burned and should not be used as compost.
The spread of brown rot of pome trees is favored by insects , damaging the fruit skin. Therefore, as a prophylaxis, the control of the apple fruit body, apple leaf rollers and apple fruit body should be tackled.When symptoms of the disease are noticed on fruit trees, chemical protection should be applied.
Currently, there are no specificprotection measures registered in Poland to combat brown rot of pome trees . To combat this disease on an amateur scale, it is recommended to use dodine and copper plant protection agents against apple scab.
Miedzian 50 WP is a recommended agent to fight brown rot of pome trees in plots . We use the preparation preventively, in the green bud phase. Miedzian 50 WP is intended for spot spraying. The recommended dose is 1.5 g of the agent in 500-750 ml of water. If necessary, during humid weather, we perform the treatment twice, with a break of at least 7-10 days.
Against the brown rot of pome treeswe also use Cobresal Extra 350 SC.Spraying is performed in the green bud phase, using a dose of 1.5 ml of the preparation dissolved in 500-750 ml of water. We perform treatments on single trees. If necessary, repeat the treatment after 7-10 days.
Cuproflow 377.5 SC is an agent to prevent brown rot of pome trees . Spraying is performed from the end of bud swelling to the mouse ear phase (green leaf tips 10 mm apart from bud scales). The recommended dose of the agent is 20 ml in 8-10 liters of water. This amount of the preparation is sufficient to perform the treatment on 100m². Spraying can be done 4 times a season, with at least a 7-day interval between successive treatments.
To combat brown rot of pome treeswe can also use Syllit 65 WP. We spray the trees from the bud breaking stage to 60 days before harvesting (waiting period). We do not use the agent during flowering and up to two weeks after flowering, due to the sensitivity of some varieties. Treatments are performed using 10 g of the preparation in 5-15 l of water per 100m².During the season, we perform up to 4 runs every 7-10 days.
MSc Eng. Agnieszka Lach