Carpathian bellflower - cultivation from seeds, reproduction, varieties

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Carpathian bellflower(Campanula carpatica) is a perennial plant native to the Carpathians and Transylvania. It grows perfectly in full sun, among rocks and on gravel beds. In the garden, it is possible to growCarpathian bellflower from seeds , as well as plant ready-made plants sold in pots. Seehow to take care of the Carpathian bellso that it blooms beautifully. We suggest how to carry outpropagation of the bellon your own and whatvarieties of the Carpathian bellare worth choosing for cultivation.

Carpathian bellflower - Campanula carpatica
Fig. Igor I Savin, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

What does a Carpathian bell look like?

Carpathian bells have a bushy habitand reach a height of up to 30 cm. They have round, heart-shaped petiole leaves that contain milky sap. The Carpathian Bellflower produces large, broad-bellied, light purple or blue flowers that grow singly on long, bare stems.This plant blooms from June to July

Where to plant the Carpathian bell?

The Carpathian bellflower likes limestone , clay, slightly moist. It perfectly copes with stones, it grows in cracks in rocks and walls. It is therefore a great perennial for rockery. It does a great job when planted in walls made of concrete lawn. On flower beds, it goes well with a seaside ring, blue carnation or scattered gypsophila.

Interestingly, theCarpathian bell is also suitable for interior decoration . During the flowering period, it can decorate our tables, set in decorative casings, and after flowering, it is worth planting it into the ground, for garden beds, where it will bloom again next year.

Carpathian bellflower - cultivation from seeds

When to sow Carpathian Bellflower seeds?
Carpathian bellflower is grown from seeds usually sown in June or July. Bell seeds are not covered with a layer of sand or substrate - they germinate in the light after 5-8 days at a temperature of 20-22 °. After 8 weeks, we quilt the Carpathian bellflower seedlings in clumps, planting them in plastic pots with a diameter of 10 cm.
What land for the Carpathian bell?
For the cultivation of Carpathian bellflower from seeds, a permeable, calcium-rich and moderately moist substrate should be prepared. It can be a mixture of high peat with frame soil in the proportion of 1: 1.

Carpathian bell - Campanula carpatica

Caring for the Carpathian bell

When cultivating the Carpathian bell, one should remember about its systematic but rational feeding.Too high and frequent doses of fertilizers affect the quality and durability of plants. Plants fed with high concentration fertilizers create flowers of poor quality, small and prematurely losing their color.Fertilization of the Carpathian Bellshould be completed by mid-September, as prolonging this treatment results in poorer flowering.
In springwe plant the Carpathian bell into the ground , it will feel best on dry and moderately moist soils, rich in calcium.
Trimming the Carpathian bell
After flowering is completed, all the shoots of the Carpathian bell should be cut just above the ground. This procedure will stimulate the plant to produce new flower buds and flower again in September.
Wintering of the Carpathian bell
The Carpathian bluebell winter well in the ground. Before winter, cut its shoots low above the ground.

How to reproduce the Carpathian bell?

We can multiply the Carpathian bell by division. This is a simple and good way to get new plants that start flowering the next year.The Carpathian bell is propagated by divisionin August, outside the flowering period of the plant.
To propagate the Carpathian bellby dividing, we need to loosen the soil around the plant and gently take it out with the fork. Then shake off the soil from the plant, remove any withered leaves and rinse it with water. Examine the perennial carefully to select only he althy parts for division, old fragments will not be productive.The bell has thin roots, so we can easily separate it with our hands
The dividedCarpathian bell is plantedat the same depth as it has grown so far, slightly tamping the soil around it. Finally, water the plant thoroughly.

Varieties of the Carpathian bell

The Carpathian bell comes in several interesting varieties.The varieties of the Carpathian bell differ from each other in the color of the flowers and their shape , while most of them reach a similar height. The table presents the most interesting varieties of this impressive perennial.

MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs

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