Hosta Siebolda Hosta sieboldiana
description:vigorously growing perennial, up to 50 cm tall, large leaves, with a strong wax bloom, bluish-green, pale lilac flowers, in artichoke-like inflorescences at an early stage,
application:for perennial beds, for planting over water and for covering larger areas in the shade, it fits nicely with other perennials,
position:semi-shaded or shady, requires fertile and moist soils,
frost resistance:sufficient, can be grown all over Poland,
See more on: Funkii Varieties & Growing
Uvularia grandiflora
description:interesting perennial with a light and delicate appearance, with original, yellow, elongated flowers hanging from the stems, long and curving leaves, also directed downwards, height 30 to 40 cm,
application:shaded flower beds, it looks good when we plant several plants next to each other and let them grow into a larger clump,
reproduction:berry can be multiplied in three ways - by sowing seeds (seeds are sown in a litter box as soon as they mature and are kept outside or in a cold inspection during the winter, they must freeze to achieve germination) , division (after the flowering period of a few-year-old berry, we divide each part in such a way that each part has a visible bud, younger plants should not be divided because they grow slowly), and by rooting rhizome cuttings (in November, we dig a clump of blueberry from the ground and cut its rhizomes into 3- centimeter sections, which are then placed in cuvettes in the humus layer of the earth),
position:semi-shaded or shady, humus soil with the addition of peat,
Lily of the valley Convallaria majalis
description:the most common in gardens are large-flowered varieties with stiff stems topped with clusters composed of many spherical bells, most garden varieties reach a height of 20 to 30 cm, flowers white or pink (cv. Rosea) , varieties with leaves with yellow and green stripes (Striata, Lineata) look interesting, note: the juice of the lily of the valley is poisonous,
application:for flower beds and cut flowers, nice arrangements can be created by combining lilies of the valley with other plants that like shade under shrubs, e.g. ferns, lungwort or periwinkle,
flowering period:May to June,
position:semi-shaded, fertile, loose, humus, moist soil,
frost resistance:sufficient, can be grown all over Poland,
More: May lily of the valley. Description, use and cultivation in the garden
Liriope Liriope muscari
description:evergreen perennial, the underground part of the plant is a thick, fleshy rhizome, from which grows lanceolate, glossy leaves, stiff inflorescence shoots, densely covered with blue bell-shaped flowers, height up to 60 cm,
application:discounts, perfect for terraces and balconies
flowering period:autumn,
position:shadowy, moist ground,
frost resistance:sensitive to frost, therefore the plant should be covered with straw or brush for winter, or moved to a cool room,
Spotted Lungwort Pulmonaria officinalis
description:variegated flowers, very effective, early and very long flowering, razor-spotted leaves, they are an interesting decoration after the plant has flowered, it quickly covers the surface, height up to 30 cm,
application:low, shady discounts,
reproduction:easily multiplies from seeds, which can be spread around the garden by ants, in summer you can also multiply by dividing 2 to 3-year-old tufts,
flowering period (next year):March to May,
position:semi-shaded, moist and humus soil, due to the plant's susceptibility to mildew, should grow in a place with good air circulation,
frost resistance:high, can be grown all over Poland,
More: Lungwort - properties, application, cultivation
Omieg Doronicum caucasicum
description:large, golden-yellow flowers, height 20 to 40 cm, an interesting cultivar 'Little Leo' with a compact habit, reaching a height of up to 35 cm, developing up to 20 shoots, from which it grows a few daisy flowers each,
application:discounts and rockeries,
sowing seeds:we can sow into boxes even from January to May, we cover the seeds with a small layer of soil, and place the box in a room with a temperature of 15 to 20 ° C, in such conditions the seeds should germinate after about 2 to 3 weeks, when this happens, move the box to a bright room, and after 4 to 5 weeks, dive the seedlings into pots, the optimal temperature for further cultivation is 13 to 15 ° C,
planting into the ground:at the beginning of April you can transplant it to the inspection or to a sheltered bed, if it was sown later, it can be moved to the ground even until September,
flowering period (next year): April, May,
position:partial shade, but can also be found in sunbeds, humus soils, moist,
frost resistance:high, zone 5,
Tawułka Arendsa Astible arendsii
description:multi-colored paniculate inflorescences, height 40 to 70 cm,
application:discounts, cut flower, for drying off,
sowing seeds:February and March in the greenhouse,
planting:in May,
flowering period (next year):June to August,
position:slightly shaded, fertile, humus, moist soil,
frost resistance:average, frost resistance zone 6
More: Tawułka Arendsa - varieties, cultivation, pruning, diseases
Trillium chloropetalum
description:plant with lily flowers ranging in color from violet-pink to white (in varieties also yellow, white and red flowers), the name of the plant comes from the fact that all its organs are present in threes - three wide leaves, three sepals and three large petals, reaches a height of 30 to 40 cm,
application:low discounts,
flowering period:May,
position:semi-shaded, well-drained soil, humus,
Late Chrysanthemum serotinum
description:flowers with white petals and greenish centers, up to 7 cm in diameter, placed singly on the branched upper parts of the shoots, lanceolate leaves, dark green in color, stiff and straight shoots, height 150 to 220 cm, reproduction - in spring by division,
application:for high beds and cut flowers,
flowering period (next year):September to November,
position:slightly shaded, fertile, humus soil, moist, quite frost-resistant, however, avoid transplanting in autumn,
frost resistance:sufficient, can be grown all over Poland,