How to make a comfrey spray for tomatoes? Step by step!


  1. Comfrey spraying - slurry
  2. Comfrey spraying - brew
  3. Comfrey spraying - decoction

Comfrey spraying - Comfrey slurry


  • kilogram of fresh comfrey herb with the root,
  • 10 liters of water.


  1. Fresh comfrey herb is best collected away from farmland. Only in the meadows or near the forest.
  2. Transfer to a larger glass jar or bucket.
  3. Pour 10 liters of water so that it covers exactly the herb.
  4. We leave it under cover on the plot for about a week.
  5. Once the slurry has stopped fermenting, it is ready to be used for spraying.
  6. Dilute it 1: 10.
  7. It is an excellent specific for aphids, as well as spider mites.

Comfrey spraying - Comfrey infusion


  • dried comfrey herb (300g) or 500g fresh,
  • 1.5 liters of water.


  1. Comfrey herb is best collected in the meadows, away from the fields where herbicides have been used.
  2. Put dried or fresh comfrey and the root into the pot.
  3. We pour hot water as if we were pouring tea.
  4. Leave covered for about 30 minutes.
  5. We do not store the infusion - use it immediately!
  6. It is perfect for the strengthening and protection of crops.
  7. We do not dilute the infusion - just water it with a watering can or spray it.

Comfrey spraying - Comfrey decoction


  • 500 g fresh comfrey herb,
  • 3 liters of water


  1. Comfrey herb is best collected in the meadows, away from the fields where herbicides have been used.
  2. Put dried or fresh comfrey and the root into a larger pot.
  3. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Leave covered for about 30 minutes.
  5. We can keep the stock in the fridge for up to a week.
  6. It is perfect for the strengthening and protection of crops.
  7. We do not dilute the infusion - just water it with a watering can or spray it.
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