More about the plant below:
Knotweed (Polygonum)
category : perennials
position : sun, partial shade
height : 5 cm - 1.2 m
frost resistance : down to -30 ° C soil reaction
: neutral, slightly acidic, acidicsoil preference
: fertile, humus, sandy loam or loamy watering : a lot
color of leaves / needles : green, reddish
color of flowers : pink, red, purple, white
habit : upright, creeping, tufted (depending on species)
flowering period: May-October (depends on species)
seeding : spring
reproduction : seeding, division clumps, suckers, runners
leaf durability : seasonal or evergreen (depending on species)
application : rebates, ground cover, cut flowers
growth rate : fast
Knotweed is native to Nepal and is a popular evergreen ground cover plant. The inflorescences are usually dressed in one of the shades of red or pink, depending on the variety. It is one of the most valuable summer perennials, blooming from July to September.Knotweed leaves take on the color of rust after the first cool autumn nights.Only in May, when the young buds emerge, the plants lose this beautiful color.
Knotweed breaks down. Its height does not exceed 15 cm. Perennial creates stolons.The optimal size can be obtained from approximately seven loosely planted plants per square meter.
Knotweed feels good on both semi-shaded edges in woody plantings and outdoors in full sun - as long as the substrate is fresh and kept in moderate humidity.It is worth noting that plants bloom less in deep shade than in sunny places.
Plants can be propagated in spring by division.For this purpose, divide the dug root ball into smaller parts (e.g. with a knife or a sharp spade).Immediately plant the obtained seedlings into the ground.
In autumn (at the end of autumn at the latest) cut the shoots. Knotweed is undemanding.If it is planted in the right position, the maintenance should not be problematic.
This low ground cover plant thrives even in permanently neglected areas.It looks good in naturalistic gardens and, for example, on the banks of water reservoirs.The 'Superbum' variety is not so expansive.
Knotweed looks good in plantings with bergenias, funkas, ferns and grasses.