8 August - Great Bee Day - report

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The first celebration of the Great Bee Day on August 8 was a chance to learn more about these hard-working insects and the simple Rules of the Friends of Bees, thanks to which you can help these insects yourself. These simple tips remind you of:
- not burning grass and leaves,
- planting native plants and avoiding invasive ones,
- leaving a semi-wild spot in the garden,
- using fertilizers natural,
- creating nests for bees.
During the locally organized activities and meetings, the children learned that thanks to bees we have not only honey, but also fruit, vegetables, oil or even cotton, and they learned about species and planted bee-friendly flowers, such as: lavender , heathers, echinacea and marigolds.It was not without meetings with a beekeeper who talked about these insects, art workshops, building hives and learning about the body structure of a bee and a flower. Children eagerly listened to stories about the work of bees, their role in nature and participated in quizzes and various games. Parents, grandparents and representatives of local communities: neighbors and representatives of the authorities who support the institutions and Academies of Friends of Bees, were also invited to celebrate and join the educational game. The connecting element was yellow in the costumes of the participants.
The celebrations were organized as part of the Academy of Bees Friends, a summer educational campaign of the program "We help bees with Kujawski". The Great Bee Day was held under the patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Bory Tucholskie National Park.
My Beautiful Garden took media patronage over this event.More information about the Great Bee Day is available on the website www.helpamypszczolom.pl "

Start of the event: 2013-08-20 00:00
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