Trampling ornamental perennials is unthinkable. After all, we plant and cultivate them so thatmakes us many joy and the garden looked most beautiful. Among the perennials, however, we can find very vital small plants, which due to contact with the human foot ( of course not very intense)do not suffer too much, and besidesluxuriantly bloom
In horticulture these species are sold asperennials trampling resistantclearly specifies possibilitiestheiruse First of all, they are perfect for filling gaps between tiles laid loosely on a garden path. The newly laid tiles are usuallysprinkled with naked earthand look like a foreign body completely unsuitable for the garden. Strong plantsplant around platesThe optimal distance between single seedlings isabout 20 cmYoung perennials will grow, spread quickly and in one or two seasonscompletely fill freespace on the path. In this way, the path covered with tiles will harmoniously blend into the garden and - which is also very important - notwill overgrow weeds
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Cymbalaria bluszczykowata Cymbalaria muralis (Photo: |
Tolerating perennial trampling will help uscreate harmonious ,mild combinationmainpathor lawn with a discount. In this case, even curbs are not needed. Low plants keep inin check lawn , preventing the grass from crossing the borders of the rebate, and besides, we can boldly walk on them whenever we want to dosome treatments careNiceblooming minorperennialscan decorate not only narrow strips of land, but also larger areas. However, remember that intensively usedgreen paths ,place playdolounge corners rest areaslook best when covered with well-kept, evenly trimmed grass. Even the most hardy perennials respond to regular and frequenttrampling very skimpy flowering.
In the group of plants that perfectly tolerate infrequent contact with our feet, it is worth paying attention to some of the most durable, such as very strong, reaching only 5 cm in heightleptinellaLeptinella squalida, sedum six-rowSedum sexangulare and thymus Tymus serpyllum 'Albus' and 'Coccineus'. The flowers ofmazusa rozłogowegoMazus radicans, a perennial plant from a distance, as far as from New Zealand, are extremely impressive. As the plant is susceptible to severe frosts, it should only be grown in small areas withedgespathsIt should survive the winter well under a cover of leaves or brushwood. Another very nice little perennial is the South Europeancymbalaria bluszczykowataCymbalaria muralis, very similar to mazus at first glance, but much more resistant to freezing.
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ięćornik wiosenny Potentilla neumanniana (Photo: |
The giant among dwarfs not very sensitive to trampling is the cinquefoilwiosennyPotentilla neumanniana and similarly growingdębikDryas x suendermannii. Both perennials are lowdemandingground cover plants. In winter, they keep a large amount of leaves on their shoots, and therefore in spring they make life difficult for sprouting weeds. A fairly tall plant is also chamomileRomanChamaemelum nobile with white-yellow daisy flowers and finely dividedneedle-shaped leaves ,delicately fragrant apples