Cultivation of edamame - position, neighborhood, fertilization

Since edamame is not a special variety of soybeans, but only a certain stage in the maturity of its seeds, the cultivation technology remains unchanged. Soybeans have a long growing season because they are grown in a short day. However, today there are many new varieties adapted to the conditions of the long day. This is what we should choose.


  1. Edamame - cultivation
  2. Edamame - when to collect?

Edamame - cultivation

Soybeans are grown by sowing seeds directly into the ground. We sow them at the turn of April andV in rows distant, every 20-25 cm. The plant does not like deep sowing, the most advantageous will be a depth of 3-5 cm.

Soybeans prefer warm and sunny places. If the plants lack light, their stems begin to elongate excessively, blocking the formation of side shoots and fruit.

Soybeans are most sensitive to heat during the flowering and fruit-forming phases. The optimal air temperature in these periods should be 21-22 ° C. If the air temperature drops to 14 ° C or lower, plants stop growing and thriving.

When cultivating soybean, remember that it likes warm, fertile, humus soils with a large water capacity. Well drained, with a reaction close to neutral.Never grow soybeans on acidic soils, as this will disturb the plant's nutrition mechanism and lead to a drastic reduction in yields. Before commencing sowing, the temperature and moisture level of the soil should be checked. Soybeans are sown in soil heated to above 8 ° C.

In soils rich in nutrients, soybeans are grown in the third year after manure, on light and low-humus soils - in the second year. Additionally, in spring it is good to fertilize the soil with compost. Soybean responds very well to the comprehensive use of mineral and organic fertilizers. Thanks to the symbiosis with papillary bacteria, it supplies itself with nitrogen. It is important to feed soy with micronutrients that increase the quality of the crop, such asboron, molybdenum and zinc.

Soybeans have a strong root system, so they are not afraid of drought. The exception is the period of flowering and development of the pods - due to lack of water, the seeds may dry out. Therefore, when growing soybeans in a hot, dry season, irrigation is essential.However, excessive watering of plants should be avoided, as this may cause flooding of the root system and thus reduce the yield. To keep water in the soil and prevent its evaporation, it is worth mulching the plants with straw or compost.

Edamame - when to collect?

Green pods are harvested 35-40 days after sowing. Harvesting is done by hand to avoid damage. Edamame pods should be light green in color. Yellowed or darkened indicate that the soybeans are fully ripening.

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