Sinceerected discountshave become widespread, the cultivation and care of vegetables andherbsw home gardens have become as simple and efficient as never before. The advantages of growing in raised beds are obvious: thanks tobetter sun exposureandoptimalbalanced ingredientsnutritional vegetables mature better.
Due to the original structure of the bedcareandharvest vegetablesare downright comfortable. The flower bed is also becoming a more and more valued element of the ornamental garden, constituting, among others,inpart fenceslubdecorative flower bed
erected discount can be made of commonly availableavailable materials constructionThe most commonly used building material iswood , followed by stone (including bricks), and in a further position ismetalsheetThe wood must besolidly impregnated , otherwise the constant contact with moisture will lead to its rotting and, as a result, cracking.
The best parameters have theimpregnation oilandresinS alt solutions have the disadvantage that they are easily rinsed out by rain. If the formwork is only surface-protected, remember tosystematic repeatingimpregnation
The stability of the structure is very important in the case of a boarded board rebate.To reduceloss of moisture substrateby evaporation, cover the inner walls of the flower bed with foil (foil is perfect for this to the pond). Leave the bottom of the foundation open, but protected againstvoles fine-mesh meshAccording to generally accepted standards, to speak of a comfortable work with plants,flower bed shouldbe 80 to 120 cm high and not more than 130 cm wide.
High fertility obtained from the rebate hasdirect relationshipwith the composition of the lowest layerslayerssubstrateUsually organic garden waste, such as shreddedshoots ,leavesandgrass As a result of the decomposition of organic compounds, the substrate temperature rises by an average of 5-8 ° C.
In such conditions, vegetables grow faster, and the seasongrowing lasts longerThe effect over time this subsides (after 1-2 years), and its side effect is a significantfeeding of the substrate , making the additional fertilizationpractically redundant
Uninvited guests
Raised flower beds, due to their structure, are inaccessible to some pests, but not to all. While snails with difficulty overcome the high walls of the formwork, voles get to the bed by a completely different way.
The best way to cut off their access to the ground and plants is to cover the bottom of the box with a fine mesh (maximum mesh size: 1.5 cm).
In the first year of cultivation, the supply of the substrate withingredients foodis so large that only species that require strong nourishment should be grown on the plot, such asleeks ,eggplants , tomatoes,cucumbersandcabbage We start growing vegetables that require a moderate amount of food, such asherbsandlettuces , in the third year. The raised bed is suitable forcultivation all species plants , however, for practical reasons, it is better to avoid keeping plants such as pumpkin,zucchiniorrhubarb
Abundant harvest is guaranteed by coordinate cultivation using the mutual beneficialinfluence of plants grownin one bed. They grow very well in pairscucumbersanddill ,carrotandonion,beansandsavoryA plant that is half decorative and half usable isnasturtium , which can be used to decorate a flower bed or as a bogey for aphids orendosperm cabbage soup
The best time to set up a discount isautumnorearly spring , during the pruning period and shrubs. In the place where the rebate is to be created, select the soil to a depth of about 25 cm, thenloosen substrateThe soil should be permeable to be able to quickly drain waterfill the formworkgradually with layers substrate ; we start with thick materials and end with small ones.Each layer should be 25-30 cm high. The lowest part ofsubstrateis prepared frombroken thick branches
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Strawberries on raised rabatach (Photo: |
Free spaces of this barrier layerfill with earthand plentifully pour water. Then arrange the shreddedshoots perennialsandshrubs ,leaves ,turf(rotated), thenmature compostThe last component of the substrate is humus, as a last resort it can be replace with the previously selected soil.Each layer should be covered with garden soil, approx. 10 cm thick.
With time, asproceeding processes decay , the substrate begins to settle, therefore what year, add a newsubstrate(a mixture of soil with compost).After 5-6 years, the organic material is completely decomposed; then we replace the substrate with a new one. The substrate informwork dries up fasterthan the soil on a traditional bed, therefore the site should be watered regularly in summer.The most convenientandthe most practicalsolution isirrigation rebatesusing connected onpermanent snake garden
Brick success
The bed of the raised rebate can also be built of bricks. In order for the plants to be optimally exposed to sunlight, the longer side of the flower bed should lie on the east-west axis.
In a stone circle
Above the ground level, not only useful crops, but also ornamental plants can be grown. On this bed, reinforced around the perimeter with stone, a substitute for a rock garden was created.
Solid foundation
The force with which the substrate presses against the formwork can be really great. Therefore, the walls must be supported by strong and deeply embedded dowels in the ground (at least 0.5 m deep). Pins should be spaced at regular intervals around the circumference of the crate.
Longer season
As a result of putrefactive processes, a large amount of thermal energy is released in the substrate. Thanks to this, the cultivation of plants can be started earlier and stopped later. The foil tunnel makes cultivation even more efficient and safer.