The author of the article is Katarzyna Pruchniewicz
Ornamental grasses are associated with open space, wind, freedom and lightness. And that's probably why a group of these plants is entering our gardens more and more boldly.Grasses have the advantage over most ornamental plants that they are a decorative element of the garden both in summer and winter.They fit into a garden arranged in almost any style. Stipa sp. - ornamental grasses high.
Ostnice belongs to the very large family of Gramineae, as are all lawn grasses and crops such as wheat and rye.
Ostnice is a very numerous genus - about 300 species of grasses forming clumps are classified.In Poland, there are 4 species of Stonews in their natural habitat. All of them are subject to strict protection.Only specimens purchased in gardening companies can be planted in the gardens.
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Ostnice are perennial plants and naturally occur in arid temperate and subtropical zones. They produce narrow panicles with large, narrow spikes ending in long, often feathered bones (hence the name).
Ostnice, like most grasses, is windproof. The bones facilitate the dispersal of seeds by wind, transport by animals and screwing the kernels into the soil.Kernels of some species can be dangerous to animals, as they cause wounds by screwing into the skinDue to the wind-pollination, the inflorescences of the polyps are very delicate, light, even ephemeral.They are moved even by the slightest gust of wind . The rhythmic swaying of whole grasslands resembles sea waves, introducing an atmosphere of relaxation, peace and harmony to the garden. Ostnice blooms from July to September.
Ostnice can grow in the same place for many years without requiring much intervention from the owner. They fit anywhere in the garden, but remember to plant them behind lower plants, not in front of them.
These grasses are a strong accent of each discount. They look most beautiful in the rays of the rising and setting sun.This can be taken into account when planning a rebate with Stipa.They look good in groups, creating a border of the lawn.To create an interesting contrast, simply juxtapose the delicate leaves of Stipa with large-leaved plants such as Rudbeckia, Sedum, Echinacea, Bergen, Funkie. Also, the combination of several different grasses gives a remarkable effect. Ostnice looks impressive in ceramic pots, placed on terraces and balconies.Architects of urban greenery also noticed the usefulness of Stipa in the compositions on city beds.
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Funkie Hosta (Photo: |
Ostnice, like most grasses, loves the sun and will show their best side only in a sunny position. In the sun they reach their proper habit, the shoots are stiff and strongly colored.Also those growing in full sun experience Polish winters in better condition. They have average soil requirements. They require a moderately fertile substrate. They hate places where there is still water for a short period of time.
Bought cuttings rooted in pots can be planted into the ground throughout the growing season. Until planting, you can also keep them in pots outside in a quiet place, even in winter (then we cover them with fir twigs).For grasses it is more dangerous to over-fertilize plants than not to fertilize.With excess nitrogen, plant growth occurs, shoots become too flaccid and lie down, that is, they lie on the ground. Fertilization should be kept to a minimum.
Ostnice growing in the same place for several seasons, should be supplemented in spring with a small amount of compound fertilizer.Stipes require moderate wateringRemember to remove mature inflorescences, otherwise uncontrolled seed spreading will occur and the Stipa will spontaneously appear in many places in the garden next year.
In the first year after planting, the Stipa can be protected against freezing by covering the clumps with fir or dead leaves. soil, enabling the development of new, living shoots.
We multiply grasses by division. After 4-5 years, the clump of stews will grow and it should be divided into 2-3 smaller parts.We do it in the spring or in the second half of August.