Cherries deserve special attention among all stone trees grown in our country. They are especially appreciated by fruit growers, because Poland is the largest producer of these fruits not only in Europe, but also in the world!In favorable years, over 200,000 tons of cherries are produced in our country.Apart from orchards goods, we also often find them in home gardens and allotments.
The most popular variety is 'Łutówka', but it is more suitable for commercial orchards than for gardens. It yields very abundantly, but due to the high requirements for tree formation, it causes a lot of problems for less experienced garden owners. Cherries are naturally short trees that take up little space even after many years.
They are therefore suitable for both large and smaller gardens. When choosing a place for a cherry, you need to allocate a few square meters for one tree. Despite the fact that cherries do not reach an impressive height, some varieties have branchy crowns.You can plant even one tree in the garden without any fear of yielding.Although some varieties are non-pollinated, there is usually no pollination problem as there will almost always be other pollen-providing cherries in the vicinity.
When deciding to grow cherries, pay attention to the rootstock on which they were grafted. Depending on the rootstock used, the soil requirements of trees and growth will vary.In Polish nurseries, basically only two rootstocks are used: an anti-bird and a bird cherry.Both rootstocks are seedlings, which means they are propagated from seeds.
• recommended for smaller gardens;
• moderate and calm tree growth;
• recommended for worse soil positions;
• tolerates periodic water shortages well;
• high frost resistance.
• recommended for large gardens;
• very strong tree growth;
• trees start fruiting late;
• suitable for good, not too dry soils;
• high sensitivity to high groundwater levels;
• it grows very well with a noble variety.