Conifers havetwo types flowersFlowers develop separately in springmaleandfemaleBoth types are usually found on one tree, such as upines ,sprucesandfir , but there are also dioecious species, i.e. specimens only with male flowers and separate with female ones, e.g. ginkgo,araukarii , microbiotaand mostjunipersand yews.
Male flowers are composed of stamenscontaining grains pollenOccurring singly or in loose spikelets or cone-shaped inflorescences, are yellow, pink or red.In spring, each time they shake them, they sprinkle pollen blown by the wind because the flowers of uconifers are wind-pollinatedFemale flowers are gathered in inflorescencescalled conesand locatedontops shootsSingle flowers appear in yews and ginkgo.
Cones are made of an axis on which single flowers are densely arranged, i.e. seed scales withovulesandscalessupportiveThe supporting scales of pines and spruces are small, fused with the seed scales and invisible. In Douglas fir there are manylongerandended with three serratedThey are also longer in firs and constitute an important featurediagnosticwidentifying speciesDuring seed maturation, both types of scales become woody.
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Szyszki na sośnie (Photo: |
The size of the cones varies greatly - from about 5 millimeters incypressesto 30-50 cm in American pines. They usually mature at the end of the first year, but uaraukarii ,cedarsand somepinesonly in the second or even third year. They remain on trees as long as the seeds mature. Uspruce ,Douglas fir ,choin , mostpinesi Thuja cones open on trees, releasing seeds, then fall to the ground.
Pine coneslimbsandpine trees Koreanfall from trees together with seeds, while fir trees they fall apart on trees, leaving only the stems on the branches. Conifers have no fruit. The seeds , from which seedsare formed after fertilization , are placed directly on the seed scales and are not shielded. They gave the name to the whole cluster -gymnosperms
Szyszkojagody junipers remind fruitRise by secondary fusion of the fruiting bodies after fertilization. They mature in 1-3 years. On onebushareripeandunripe berriescontaining from one to a dozen or sohard seedswithout wings.
The arils resemble the fruitangiospermsYews have each seed embedded in a stem-shaped, juicy, red parchment. And the pitted seeds of ginkgo, huchen, and torrei are completelysurrounded by parchmentsreminiscent ofsmallplum