The Rose of Jericho, otherwise known as the Resurrectionist, is one of the plants that show highly developed survival abilities.The real plant that bears this name, Anastatica hierochuntica, is the one that grows in Western Asia and comes from the Brassicaceae family. It is a cluster of grayish leaves twisted into a small ball, which shrinks in the dry season - it turns green and "comes to life" after watering and increasing the humidity. He can survive in this form for years. If the plant takes root in the ground, it grows to a width of about 30 cm and produces small whitish flowers.
Growing the Rose of Jericho is simple and undemanding. The requirements are low - in order to "revive" it is important to have adequate humidity, water and sun rays. It is important to place the plant on a wide stand of water in a room that receives sunlight. However, the plant must not be exposed to direct sunlight, which would cause it to lose moisture too quickly and dry out.
However, if it is transferred to the ground, it should be properly watered to keep its leaves he althy and green. Water the plant abundantly until all the water runs over the roots and is on the bottom of the pot.Try to keep fresh water - change the water in the base.The water you water the Rose of Jericho should be filtered due to the high content of chlorine and fluoride in tap water. This plant is a delicate one - it will protect it from harmful effects.
In most cases, the plant does not need a substrate - a stand with regularly replenished water is enough. Make sure that it does not dry out, because the plant will automatically go into a state of dormancy and roll up the leaves, forming a grayish ball. After it develops its leaves, it should be allowed to go into a state of rest - preferably in winter, in a dry room with negligible humidity.
When pruning the Rose of Jericho, be careful and protect the tool against the transmission of bacteria and mold. Dip the scissors, pruner or knife in a watery solution with alcohol and clean the blade thoroughly. Trim the spaces you want to align and shape.
Rose of Jericho was used in folk beliefs as a rejuvenating and revitalizing plant. The water in which the Resurrection was immersed and slowly developed was used for cosmetic purposes - for facial care, removing skin lesions and reducing signs of aging. etc.The dried form of the plant showed calming properties - an infusion of leaves was prepared to help you fall asleep.This beneficial effect has not been proven by research, however, so it remains in the sphere of folk guesses and beliefs. However, it is an ideal plant for children to satisfy their curiosity and gain knowledge through a plant experiment.
The Rose of Jericho is an excellent plant to be planted in a jar or pot, where we can grow our mini forest.It is best to combine it with foot rot (Asplenium), which, like the resurrectioness, likes a moist environment and regularly watered substrate.Additionally, it looks beautiful, creating a harmonious pair with the plant. The substrate can be covered with moss, pieces of bark and soil for cultivation.