Fabric dyeing is a complicated process. Dyeing in plant extracts is the last stepof the entire process dyeingTo obtain the desired color, the fiber must be subjected to many baths -washing ,degreasing ,often whitening,dressingand thendyeing.Each of these operations takes place at the right temperature and time.
Yellowis obtained by dyeing in extracts withreseda,zchamomile baskets,birch leaves,sumac, alder,zfir cones, barkoakdyeing,shootsheather.
Fabrics were dyed centuries ago
In the natural coloring of plants, two groups of dyes are used. Some of them act directly on the fiber, e.g. Stains (mortars), i.e. bathing in a solution of easily soluble mineral s alts.
The oldest known information on dyeing fabrics comes from China, where silk was dyed over 4,000 years ago. Even then, there were dye works where fabrics and yarns were professionally dyed, as in ancient Egypt, India and South America, and the dyeing profession was highly valued.
The most famous red pigments are obtained from insects, e.g.KermesCoccus ilicis found onKermes oaksQuercus coccifera from the Mediterranean region orCochinealCoccus cacti from Mexico. You can also get a red color from plants by dyeing, for example,inelderberriesandblackblueberries, in the rootdybownika,in buckthorn bark, in the root sweet madder.A very durable red dye is obtained from the rootmarzanny barwierskiejRubia tinctorum.
Blueobtained from Indigofera tinctoria, a shrub grown, among others, in In India. The dye was obtained during the fermentation of the leaves for 10-14 days. The plant from ourclimate,two-yearuet barwierskiIsatis tinctoria oyellow flowers had similar effects.Plants are harvested before flowering, it is pulped and kneaded in a large vessel, as in the case ofindigo,fermented for several days.
These are the most popular coloring plants. Remember that many of them also have medicinal uses!
Yellow chamomileAnthemis tinctoria is a perennial or biennial plant. His golden flower baskets dye the fabrics yellow. Rumian is common throughout Poland
RecurrentLithospermum officinale is a perennial with lithospermine in the roots used for red dyeing. The so-called Croatian tea
St. John's wortHypericum perforatum, popularly known as St. John's wort. The flowers and herbs of this plant, when seasoned with alum, dye beige
Marzanna barwierskaRubia tinctorum is a perennial that contains alizarin - a substance that dyes pink to deep red. Roots are used for dyeing
Anowiec barwierskiGenista tinctoria is a shrub whose young and flowering shoots dye wool, linen and silk yellow and orange. Janowiec is also used as a diuretic
Medicinal dyeAnchusa officinalis is a biennial plant commonly found in Central and Eastern Europe. Dybnik flowers turn yellow
ComfreySymphytum officinale. Its rhizome is a medicinal raw material. In dyeing, herb is used, thanks to which we can obtain a yellow color
Agrimonia eupatoriaAgrimonia eupatoria has small flowers gathered in spike inflorescences, which are the source of a yellow dye. It is a medicinal plant in catarrhal conditions of the stomach and intestines
HeatherCalluna vulgaris is a popular shrub, whose young shoots are cut before flowering and obtain a yellow dye from them. Flowers are helpful in diseases of the urinary system