Organic fertilizers , i.e. natural fertilizers obtained from organic matter, should be the basis for fertilization in home and allotment gardens. The most popularorganic fertilizers are compost and manure , however, there is an increasing selection of organic fertilizers in stores. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these fertilizers, which ones are worth choosing andhow to use organic fertilizers ?
Organic fertilizers
In amateur crops on plots and in home gardens, it is recommended to usefertilizers of natural origin , especially if we want the vegetables and fruits obtained from these crops to be tasty and he althy. The basic fertilizer of this type is compost , obtained from plant residues from our garden. We have already written more about obtaining and using compost in the garden in an article en titled simply compost.But what if the amount of self-produced compost is not enough to meet the needs of all plants on the plot? What should people with only terraces, balconies or very small home gardens, where there is no space for a composter, be fertilized?
An alternative are numerous organic fertilizers available in garden stores in an increasing selection. Following the current trend of using fertilizers of natural origin, manufacturers of this type of fertilizers offer us a wider and wider range of products. In order not to get lost in it, we present descriptions ofthe most popular organic fertilizersalong with tips in what situations and how they can be used in the garden. Biohumus - is the name of a fertilizer formed during the decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms and earthworms. After passing through the digestive system of earthworms, plant residues are mixed in a well-ventilated heap, which results in the formation of a rich organic fertilizer with a high proportion of humus. The high content of nutrients and the lumpy structure of vermicompost puts it on a par with compost when it comes to feeding crops, as well as improving the quality of the soil after its application. In order to obtain high quality of the obtained fertilizer and shorten the time of its production as much as possible, it is worth getting Californian earthworms, which are considered to be the best producer of vermicompost. As in the case of fertilization with compost, the risk of over-fertilization of crops is very small, and with the appropriate proportions of the processed organic residues it drops to zero. You can easily buy biohumus-based fertilizers in garden stores. "
Guano- seabird droppings rich in calcium and magnesium phosphates and easily digestible forms of nitrogen. It is one of the most efficient organic fertilizers due to the high concentration of micro and macro elements. Currently, you can most often get aesthetically packed, small amounts of guano for ornamental plants and vegetable crops, in loose or liquid form. When using this fertilizer, it is necessary to adhere to the dilution proportions indicated on the packaging, because overdosing can quickly cause plant death. On the basis of guano, compost activators are also produced, accelerating the decomposition process of the compost heap and the formation of natural humus.
Poultry manure- this is our national guano. It is characterized by a high content of nutrients, so when used together with other organic fertilizers, you can practically resign from additional feeding with mineral fertilizers.Plants react very quickly to the use of manure, but just like with guano, one-time doses should be observed, because over-fertilization has serious consequences.
Most commonly used iscomposted bird manure , as fresh ones can easily burn plant roots. Dried chicken manure can also be purchased at garden stores. Let us remember that the source of its origin is checked. Poultry manure from large chicken farms, where animals are reared in unnatural conditions, fed with fodder containing antibiotics and hormones, is not suitable for the garden. e.g. florovit. It contains all the humus substances, nutrients and minerals of natural chicken manure, and at the same time has been heat-treated and cleared of pathogens and weed seeds. The form of granules makes it more slowly absorbed by plants and minimizes the risk of over-fertilization."
Cattle manure- another type of organic fertilizer, consisting of livestock manure and bedding used in cowsheds. Such manure is offered in the form of partially fermented dried granules, packed in small bags. Currently, fresh manure is pre-treated to partially reduce the characteristic unpleasant odor and to activate its nutrients to make them easier for plants to absorb. Granulated cattle manure available in gardening stores, just like chicken manure, is thanks to thermal treatment cleaned of pathogens and weed seeds, and therefore its use in the garden is completely safe.
Sawdustand garden bark - these are other organic materials designed to improve the fertility and structure of heavy soils.Most people are probably best known for their soil mulching. Before using them as fertilizer, it is recommended to compost for at least several months to remove resins and phenolic compounds that inhibit the growth of cultivated plants. It is worth adding urea fertilizer to the compost heap in the amount of 2 kg per cubic meter of composted material to stimulate the action of microorganisms, and thus significantly reduce the time needed to obtain a complete final product.
Garden peat - is a sedimentary rock, formed as a result of incomplete decomposition of plant debris, occurring in conditions of long-term or permanent bogging of the top soil layer. Its composition includes organic substances (e.g. humic acids and their compounds) containing large amounts of carbon and nitrogen, as well as mineral substances (e.g. iron, phosphorus and calcium). Acidic high peat is usually available for sale. Perfect for improving soil structure. Thanks to its light, fibrous structure, it loosens the compact clay soil, and thanks to the ability to retain large amounts of water, it increases the moisture content of light, sandy soils.The acidic reaction of high peat favors the development of heather and acidophilic plants (rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers, heaths, blueberries). In order to be able to use it for other plants, it requires deacidification by liming. Peat is usually spread in a 3 cm layer and mixed with the top layer of garden soil.
Lignite- this material is also sometimes used for fertilizing ornamental and vegetable plants. It contains large amounts of calcium and magnesium, thanks to which its use increases the pH of the soil. Crushed charcoal is characterized by good sorption properties and a long decomposition period, thanks to which it can be used both for loosening heavy soils and improving the structure of sandy soils.
Leonardyty- leonardite is an intermediate form between peat and lignite. This mineral was created thanks to millions of years of anaerobic decomposition of plant debris. Leonardite fertilizer is a very good soil conditioner.It is also used for the rehabilitation of degraded and polluted areas. The secret of the action of these minerals lies in the very high content of humic acids (up to 90%).An example of such a fertilizer is Rosahumusin the form of a black powder, which is dissolved in water, and then the resulting solution is sprayed or watered over the soil. Fertilizers of this type are very efficient - 1 kilogram contains as much humic acids as as much as 30 tons of manure.
Coconut fiber- this organic material is characterized by high durability. It is more and more often used to improve air-water relations on light soils and to provide humus on heavy soils. Due to the long decomposition period, the need to re-use this organic material appears only after several years.
The best organic fertilizersis worth ordering in our store. We guarantee high quality products and their original origin, fast shipping and low prices. To see the fertilizers on offer, press the button below.