Many plants on the plots, including common weeds such as nettle, dandelion or field horsetail, can be used for self-preparationplant slurries and decoctions , useful for fertilizing and plant protection. Good examples arehorsetail decoctionfor powdery mildew ornettle manurefor aphids. Learn the best recipes forecological plant protection productsand natural fertilizers and learn how to use them.
You can prepare ecological plant protection products from many herbs and weeds - liquid manure, decoctions and infusions to fight pests and diseases, as well as very valuable natural fertilizers. A highly valued preparation is e.g. nettle manure.
Marigold extract
How to prepare: Soak 1 kg of dried marigolds in 10 L of warm water, leave for 48 hours, do not dilute,
When to use: in the event of pests,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: deters aphids,
Marigold decoction
How to prepare: Boil 500 g of dried marigolds for 30 minutes. in 3 liters of water,
When to use: prevent bulbs and seedling roots,
Action: prevents the attack of seedlings by gangrene diseases, such as gangrene of seedlings,
Elderberry extract
How to prepare: 1 kg of fresh or 200 g of dried lilac leaves and flowers, soak in 10 l of water for 24 hours, dilute with water 1/10,
When to use: when pests are noticed,
Place of application: soil and directly on plants,
Action: combats agriculture, cabbage beetle, aphids,
Elderberry dung
How to prepare: 1 kg of fresh or 200 g of dried leaves, flowers and elderberry shoots, pour 10 liters of water and set aside for 4 to 5 days,
When to use: when pests are present,
Place of application: pour into burrows,
Action: repels moles and voles,
Wormwood extract
How to prepare: 300g of fresh wormwood herb or 30g of dried herb per 10 liters of water, soak for 12 hours, do not dilute,
When to use: preventive and in case of electrocution,
Place of application: whole plant and ant paths,
Action: fights aphids, ants, cabbage mite, spider mites, white currant rust,
Wormwood infusion
How to prepare: 300g of fresh herb or 30g of dried herbs for 10 liters of water, cook for 30 minutes,
When to use: as a preventive measure and during an electrocution,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: an infusion of wormwood fights butterflies, carrot, onion cream, apple fruit, various fungal diseases,
Onion extract
How to prepare: 200g of onion husks pour 10 liters of water, cook for 35 minutes, do not dilute,
When to use: prophylactically or in case of an electrocution, spray 3 times every 5 days,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: onion extract fights aphids, honeys, leafhoppers, spider mites,
Onion stock
How to prepare: 75g of onion or 500g of husks in 10 liters of water, cook for 10 minutes, do not dilute,
When to use: as a preventive measure and in case of electrocution,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: onion decoction prevents the occurrence of fungal diseases, helps to fight mites and aphids,
Garlic extract
How to prepare: Grind 200g cloves of crushed garlic, add 10 L of water and set aside for 3 or 4 days, do not dilute,
When to use: in spring and summer, preventively and in case of an electrocution,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: garlic extract helps to fight pests such as aphids, carrot shedding, large currant pollock, spider mites and numerous bacterial and fungal diseases,
Garlic decoction
How to prepare: Grind 200g cloves of crushed garlic, pour 10L of water for 24 hours, cook for 20 minutes, do not dilute,
When to use: in spring and summer as a preventive measure and in case of infection,
Place of application: nma plants,
Action: garlic decoction works on aphids, carrot shedding, large currant pollock, spider mites and bacterial and fungal diseases,
Garlic slurry
How to prepare: 75g of crushed cloves or 500g of fresh (or 200g of dried) garlic leaves and husks in 10L of water, dilute 1:10 or not to dilute depending on the application,
When to use: as needed,
Application site: soil,
Action: garlic slurry in a dilution of 1:10 has a strengthening effect and prevents the occurrence of fungal diseases, without diluting it helps to fight carrot leaf spread (should be used during flights),
Yarrow extract
How to prepare: 1 kg of fresh or 100 g of dried plants, pour 10 L of water and set aside for 24 hours, dilute 1:10,
When to use: as a preventive measure during the flowering of trees and shrubs,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: helps to prevent diseases such as powdery mildew, brown rot of stone trees, leaf blotch of stone trees, moniliosis and peach leaf curl,
Decoction of yarrow
How to prepare: 1 kg of fresh or 100 g of dried plants, pour 10 L of water and set aside for 24 hours, then cook for 30 minutes, do not dilute,
When to use: preventive and in case of electrocution,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: aphids, honeysuckle, bug larvae, leaf-eating caterpillars of butterflies,
Dandelion extract
How to prepare: 250 g of ground roots or 400 g of fresh leaves, pour 10 L of water and leave for 3 hours, do not dilute,
When to use: from spring to autumn for preventive measures and in case of infection,
Place of application: for soil and plants,
Action: aphids, honeys and spider mites,
Nettle fermenting slurry
How to prepare: 1 kg of fresh or 200 g of dried non-flowering plants pour 10 L of water, dilute 1:10 before use,
When to use: when pests are present,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: fights aphids, spider mites, cuplets and scales,
Nettle manure
How to prepare: 1 kg of fresh or 200 g of dried non-flowering plants pour 10 L of water, dilute 1:10 before use, dilute depending on the application,
When to use: from spring to autumn or in case of an electrocution,
Place of application: depending on the application to soil or plants,
Action: at a dilution of 1:10 has a strengthening effect, you can water many vegetables, annual flowers, perennials, fruit trees and shrubs (note: you must not water beans, peas, garlic and onions!), At a dilution of 1:20 you can spray plants attacked by aphids, without dilution, can be poured into the compost heap to stimulate the plant decomposition process,
Horsetail fermenting manure
How to prepare: 1 kg of fresh or 200 g of dried plants, leave in 10 L of water for 4 to 5 days for fermentation, dilute 1:50,
before useWhen to use: during the growing season in sunny weather,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: horsetail manure fights aphids, spider mites, bowls and scales,
Horsetail decoction
How to prepare: 1 kg of fresh or 200 g of dried plants, pour 10 liters of water and soak for 24 hours, then bring to a boil and keep on very low heat for 30 minutes. After cooling down, strain and apply for spraying in dilution with water 1: 3.
When to use: during the growing season in sunny weather, preferably in the morning. Plants are sprayed for 3 weeks at intervals of 3 days.
Place of application: on plants,
Action: horsetail decoction helps fight powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust and peach leaf curl,
Tomato leaf decoction
How to prepare: Boil 1 kg of fresh tomato leaves in 10 liters of water for about 30 minutes, then leave to cool for 2 hours. Dilute 1: 4 with water before use,
When to use: when pests are present, preventively before their departure,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: helps to combat aphids, spider mites, young caterpillars, white-tailed moths and cruciferous moths, fruit flies and earth fleas, ants
Tobacco extract
How to prepare: 1 kg of tobacco waste pour 10 liters of boiling water, leave for 24 hours. and dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 2,
When to use: when pests are present,
Place of application: plants,
Action: this is the best-known ecological aphid spraying, but it helps to fight all pests with a mouth-sucking mouth apparatus, such as spider mites, honeysuckle, greenhouse whitefly, thrips, attention - in plants sprayed with tobacco extract, harmful nicotine derivatives may remain, therefore plants treated with this preparation should be thoroughly washed and not eaten earlier than after 7 days,
Tansy decoction
How to prepare: 500 g of crushed herb or 75 g of dried tansy soak in 10 L of water for 24 hours, then cook for 20-30 minutes, after cooling, strain and dilute with water in the ratio 1: 5,
When to use: preventive and in case of electrocution,
Place of application: on plants,
Action: helps to fight pests such as fleas, plant growing plants, greenhouse whitefly, strawberries, flowers, strawberry mite, ants.
Good to knowFor decoctions and plant extracts prepared by yourself, in order to improve the spraying efficiency, it is worth adding garden potassium liquid soap in the amount of 10-20 g per liter slightly warmed water. After dissolving the soap and cooling the water, dilute the plant preparation in it. Horticultural soap added to plant preparations creates a film on the surfaces of sprayed plants, facilitating adherence and extending the protective effect. If you use a bar of gray soap, it is worth rubbing it on a grater first, thanks to which it will dissolve faster.