Practical Gardener: classes in early spring

In the south-western part of the country, winter isdefinitelymilderthan, for example, in the Suwałki region, not without reason calledPolishpolecoldThis, of course, puts the inhabitants of Lower Silesian Voivodeship in a veryprivilegedsituation , as they can count on faster and more abundant harvestvegetablesand fruitThey can also start gardening faster, e.g. cutting trees and shrubs (as long as they are leafless). Many people then wonder howwayusecut branches

Well, it's best to cut them inchopperandusetoto use paving pathsWood dust can also be used for composting. Unfortunately, fresh lining contains tannic acids and is not suitable for sprinkling aroundyoung ,sensitive plantsThat, how manynutrientsandmaterial humuswill penetrate into the ground depends primarily on the painstaking work of many useful microorganisms

Decorative garden: Spring surprise in the middle of winter

In favorable weather, the disc-like cyclamen can bloom as early asJanuaryorFebruary . In frostyweatherandprecipitation snowflowering is delayed by several weeks and begins inMarchlubApril .

Cyclamens look good inlarger plantings group plantingsunder the treetops.They are planted inSeptember , the seeds are sown immediately after harvesting in early summer. Tubers grow best inpróchnicznym ,loose substrateclay soils improvecoarsesandIn light rainfall in spring, the soil should be irrigated (cyclamens like slightly moist soil). We feed the plants with compost once a year inMarch

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Cyklamen dysdyk (Cyclamen coum) (Photo:

Trees and shrubs: Shrubs blooming in good condition in spring and early summer

Some shrubs that bloom in spring or early summer grow regularlynew ,long outgrowths This form of development is conditioned bygeneticallyandincreases the plant's regenerative abilities.On the other hand: highly branched shoots age very quickly. The firstsymptoms of the aging processcan already be seen onfour-year branchesThey have lots ofside shoots side shootsand many shoots are completely flowerless. In order for the shrubs to retain their beautiful appearance and lush flowering for a long time,they should be pruned

Cotwo ,three years , after flowering, cut out the oldest shoots. This procedure is calledcutting translucentorconservativeWhen a long, strong branch has grown on an older branchside shoot side , we can cut off a part of it just above this shoot. In a few years it will develop very strongly. Long,unbranched shootsit is recommended to shorten by one or eventwo-thirds of the length

They will sproutshoots sideduring the season, the bush will thicken and will have more flower shoots.In the presented way, we can cut such decorative shrubs as:kalikarpa ,cup ,varicose veins , forsythia, keria(zloty),kolkwicja ,honeysuckle , jasmine ,rosowiec ,elderberry ,floweringtawuła species in spring ,some viburnum( coralihordowina ),Śnieżuliczka ,lilak , shrub. The exception is shrubs with ornamental fruits. We subject them tocut early springtreatment notwill increasequantity fruit , but it will make the new shoots much stronger.

Under glass: practical glasshouses

A garden greenhouse does not always have to be a solid structure, based onstrong foundationsIf we intend to use it only from spring to autumn, i.e.growing vegetables winterandwinteraccommodation frost-sensitive plants , a simple plastic house should suffice.

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A plastic greenhouse may not be the most durable structure of this type, but it is perfectly suited to the duties entrusted to it (Image:

Plastic tent or tunnel is withrule quite cheap , easy to assemble and embed in the ground, and repositioning if necessary. High-quality films are resistant to UV radiation, and their manufacturer-guaranteed durability is 3-4 years. Verygood thermal insulationandlonger longevitythe boards are characterized by made of double foil, stiffened with internal strips - ribs. The walls of someplastic houses can be additionally covered with such boards.

Balconies and terraces: We start sowing annual plants

We propose to think about theseason springFor a good start, we can sow into boxesannuals species floweringThe best sowing soil is fresh, unfertilized soil for potted plants, cleared of weed seeds and adjusted to the needsfoodseedlingsSeeds should be sownevenly spacingand sprinkle with a thinlayersubstrate(except for species requiring light to germinate). Then gently knead the seeds withwooden with a trowelandwater , move the containers to a warm (bright) position. Hard, dried seeds germinate better ifearlier give upeatbath water(in lukewarm water).

1. We spread the seeds

Larger seeds can be placed in the groundindividually(then it is easier to keep even spacing). Very small seeds can be sift throughsieve .

2. We cover the seeds

Plant seedsgerminating in the darkcover with a 1-2 mm layer of finely lumpy soil, then press downgently wooden cake .

3. Water carefully

Moisten the ground with a mist of water from a sprinkler. Irrigation withwatering canis risky in this case as the water jet canwash out seeds .

Orchard and vegetable garden: Prune the vine shoots

Grapevines requirefrequent trimming(several times a year). Otherwise, it may grow up to several dozen meters. In the second year of cultivation, counting frommoment planting , they end up formingbranches skeletalBefore the new season, however, in March of the third year at the latest, the shoots are cut short, leaving 1-2 buds on them.At the same time, also shortenshoot middle , trimming it 20-30 cm above the planned third pair ontop ropessupporting lines, as well as lower shoots (the cutting force is not of great importance in this case).

Additionally, every year in June or July, you should pruneall shootsgrowing from the main shoot (the so-calledshoots competing ). But this is not the end; The lower pair of shoots also needs to be shortenedshootsfruitingCutting is performed in several passes, so that finally 3 to 5 buds remain above the fruit cluster. Thanks to this, we will be able to prevent shadingfruit thicket foliage

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