Grafting fruit trees - methods, dates, rootstocks, slips

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Grafting fruit trees is a procedure that combines scion from the noble variety, usually giving good and tasty fruit, with a rootstock that guarantees the he alth and frost resistance of the tree or allows you to regulate the strength of its growth. Most fruit trees sold today are obtained by grafting. Here's how to properly graft fruit trees.

Grafting fruit trees

Why are the trees grafted?

Grafting fruit treesis performed in order to obtain plants that yield profusely and regularly and give large and tasty fruits (features of noble varieties used for slips), and at the same time are viable, resistant, adjustable growth force (features usually derived from the rootstock). By grafting fruit trees, for example, small-sized apple trees are obtained, occupying a small plot area (the so-called dwarf), at the same time producing large and tasty fruits.

Fruit tree graftingis usually done by nurserymen and professional growers who produce fruit tree seedlings, but more experienced gardeners can also try to graft fruit trees themselves. By performing this procedure ourselves, we can obtain new plants for the garden at a lower cost. Successful grafting of fruit trees is also a source of great satisfaction, because it proves the experience and professionalism acquired in horticulture.

Dates for grafting fruit trees

Grafting fruit trees is performed in the spring (just before the beginning of vegetation or right after it begins, when the sap is already circulating in the plants) or in the summer. It is advisable to vaccinate the scion in the spring vaccination period, and perform the grafting procedure in the summer vaccination period. To explain it more preciselyhow to graft fruit treesyou need to explain some concepts related to grafting and distinguishways of grafting trees

Materials needed to graft fruit trees?

To perform the vaccination, we need:

  • " appropriate cutting tools, such as a small garden saw (preferably curved, so-called fox tail), pruning shears and a cutting knife, "
  • gardening ointment (e.g. Funaben 03 PA or thick emulsion paint with Topsin M 500 SC fungicide) and gardening string or foil to protect the grafting site,
  • cut slips of the noble variety,
  • rootstock plant.

Note!Before starting the grafting of fruit trees, select the appropriate grafts and rootstocks, paying attention to their biocompatibility and botanical relatedness.

Zrazy for graftingZraz is a part of the noble plant that we want to grow. The slips for grafting must come from the noble variety, the fruit of which we care about. It is taken from woody shoots with clearly shaped eyes (buds). For spring vaccination (April), slips are taken in late November / early December or from the second half of February to the beginning of March.

Rootstocks for graftingA plant that is resistant to frost and various diseases, depending on the species, is often also characterized by a specific growth force. It is best if the rootstocks for fruit trees come from a wild species of a given variety, or from a variety that is extremely resistant.

Ways of grafting fruit trees

Before startinggrafting fruit treesselect the appropriate grafts and rootstocks, paying attention to their biocompatibility and botanical relatedness.
Vaccination with scionconsists in combining scion with rootstock, binding both elements and securing the grafting site with garden ointment. When cutting the washer and the scion, make sure that the surfaces of both these elements are similar and adhere tightly. The condition for the success of this treatment is the most precise adjustment of the cuts of the scion and rootstock, and the large adhesion surface of the wood and bark to each other. The procedure is performed in spring, on clear and dry days, and cuts should be made with a sharp and clean knife.
Types / types of vaccination with:
Grafting by using- is performed when the thickness of the rootstock and the scion are almost identical. The ridge and the washer are cut diagonally and both parts fit tightly.The cut should be made at a fairly sharp slant so that the contact surface of the pad and the scion is as large as possible (cutting length approx. 3 cm). This procedure is most often performed in April, just before the start of plant vegetation.

Vaccination with the use of

Vaccination by application with incision- the procedure is carried out in the same way as for vaccination by application, except that an additional incision is made along the rootstock and the scion, increasing the adhesion surface.

Grafting fruit trees by applying (A)
and applying with a notch (B)

Grafting on the attachment- after cutting the rootstock at a slight angle, the bark is cut slightly together with a small amount of wood on the surface similar in size to the surface of the obliquely cut scion.This method is used when the rootstock is much thicker than the scion. Here, too, grafting can be used with a notch increasing the contact surface of both parts.
Grafting in the wedge(the so-called deer leg) - cut a triangular piece of wood in the rootstock, and the scion is cut on both sides in such a way as to form a wedge that fits the cut in the rootstock. This method allows you to create a fairly strong connection with a minor wound.

Grafting into wedge

The vaccination site is secured by wrapping it with vaccination tape

Sheepskin- the rootstock is cut at right angles so that the cut surface is as small as possible, and then the bark is cut vertically, the edges slightly open and the scion is pressed under the bark. The method is used when the rootstock is much thicker than the scion.You can use it in May, when the plants have already started vegetation.

Vaccination through sheepskin coat

Grafting for the bark- a method similar to skinning, except that the rootstock is not cut, but only the T-shaped bark is cut and a scion is implanted under the incision.

Grafting fruit trees for bark (C)
and sheepskin (D)

Budding fruit trees
In addition to grafting with scions, fruit trees can also be inoculated. Vaccination by inoculation is due in the summer. The budding of fruit trees consists in fusing a leaf bud (eye) of a noble variety with the rootstock. This method is similar tobark grafting , except that not the entire scion is grafted, but only a properly trimmed eye.Before we start to inoculate, it is worth getting a sharp inoculating knife, the so-called litter.

Topical or topical grafting - which is better?

As can be seen from the above text,ways of grafting fruit treesare closely related tovaccination datesAlthough most amateur gardeners choose vaccination with graftin the spring, it is worth taking an interest in inoculation in the summer, due to the most efficient sap circulation in the plant, which significantly increases the chances of vaccination.

Remember!In practice, vaccination with scion usually involves grafting apple trees, sometimes also pears. However, this fashion is avoided in the case of grafting stone trees, such as cherries, cherries or plums, due to the very difficult acceptance of the scions of these species. Cherries, cherries and plums are better grafted by budding.

How to facilitate the vaccination procedure?

When grafting trees and shrubsthe most difficult moment is to properly prepare the rootstock and scions so that they join wellIt is difficult to properly trim the grafting surfaces. This activity takes a lot of time and requires experience. Usuallyyou need to get multiple vaccinations before finally getting into practice
However, this taskbecomes much easier if we use a special secateurs for vaccinationThanks to its use, the incision on the scion and rootstock will fit together perfectly. The pruning is also done very quickly, like a regular pruning shears.A special blade in the grafting pruner is responsible for shaping the trimmed surface.I highly recommend this device if you want to avoid failure in grafting plants!

Katarzyna Matuszak

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