WFebruaryimarcu , often above the snow-covered ground, snowdrop flowers appearsnowdropGalanthus nivalis. It is a native species that has been cultivated in gardens since the beginning of the 16th century. Pear-shaped white flowers placed singly on stalks up to 20 cm longgrow from a small onionThe three outer leaves of the perianth areelongated ,threeinternal , half the length, fused into a tube with a green spot on the top.This plant has modest requirements. Likespartial shadeandsoil light ,próchniczną , enoughwet ,especially spring
It grows in clusters,creating characteristic of focusSnowdrops withhews ,crocuses ,snowstorms ,briarand earlyprimrosesare beautifuldecoration for spring ones rabatHowever, they do not like the neighborhood of other strongly expanding ornamental plants. An ideal place for them on a plot or garden is the edge of ornamental shrubs. At the end of spring, when our plants have faded,shrubs get the most water drying the ground around the bulbs, which is very beneficial for them, as snowdrops fall into a state of dormancy early. However, it is short, because frommid years bulbsre-root and form flowers to next year's flowering.
Snowdrops can grow in the same place for years. If we want to replant our "snowdrops", it is best todo it after flowering , when their leaves are still visible. It is best to plant the dug out onions right away. Snowdrops are under protection. We buy their onions for the garden in shops (they come fromplantations reproductive , they are very cheap and available from August). They must be placed into the ground inSeptember-Octoberin 5-10 cm increments to a depth of 6 cm.
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Śnieżyczka Przejiśnieg Galanthus nivalis (Photo: |
Some plant species have the ability to formbuds adventitiouson leaves or petioles, which give astartnowy plants This property is used to reproduce them. There are twotypes ofleaf cuttings: made of whole leaves or their fragments. The whole leaves can be used to propagate e.g. the violet Saintpaulia ionantha,syningiaSinningia hybrida,peperomiePeperomia sp. and coarse plants: kalanchoe andsedumSedum. The leaves are placed with the petiole or, in species with sessile leaves, the base of the leaves in the substrate.begonia royalBegonia rex,twistStreptocarpus hybridus orsansewierię GuineanSansevieria trifasciata.
The method of preparing such cuttings is different and depends mainly on the shape of the leaf. Utwist cut out most often nerve main , and the halves formed in this way are placed in the substrate, plunging into itspacecutsLong leaves of Sansevieria are cut crosswise for sections about 5 cm high and the lower pole of the seedling, placew substrate In this way, it is best to propagate only varieties with single-colored leaves. From variegated leaves,can grow plantsstained other thanplant mother
Ifonly weather conditions allow it, we start the cultivation of spring garlic at the end of March, or possibly at the beginning of April. For planting, usecloves he althy ,good ,comingzqualified plantationWe recommend two varieties for spring plantings: 'Jarus' and 'Cyril'. To protect them against fungal diseases, you can seasonplanting clovesThe row spacing should be about 20- 30 cm, while in the row 5-10 cm (the smaller cloves are planted more densely).
Planting depth is approximately 3-4 cm. It is very important thatteeth put vertically , heel down.While growing, gently loosen the surfacesoil around plants(so as not to damage the roots) andsystematically remove weedsA good solution is to cover the soil with a layer of mulch made ofpeat , shredded straworbarkGarlic has quite high water requirements, so remember aboutirrigationour crop , especially in drought. The harvest of garlic planted in spring is inbreakthrough JulyandAugust
At the turn of March and April, we start plantingspring onions onionsordinary , i.e. small bulbs diameter 5 - 25 mm). You can buy the sprouts suitable for planting inshops gardening shopsThis method of cultivation allows you to obtain in the periodspring- summerquite early crop of young onion heads withgreen chives , which are intended for direct consumption.Plant the spring onions with the heel down, shallowly - approx. 0.5 cm below the soil surface and at a distance of 20 - 30 x 5 - 8 cm. Common onion care during cultivation is similar to that of garlic.
We remove covers
In March we can removecover protection against frost(fleece, bubble wrap or other) from pots andcontainers leftoutside for winter. At the same time, it is good to remove alldead shootsanddried up leaves
Prune weak shoots
It's time for the plants to spend the perioddormantwdark , likegarnetproperPunica granatum, Fuchsia fuchsia orDaturaBrugmansia saw the light of day, so we move them to bright rooms and set them inbright place
With good lighting, the newly producedshoots will be strongandintense stainedIf lightless plants have sprouted, they are run-down - weakstained ,excessivelyelongated ,ricketysuch shootsremove pruning shears
We prepare shoot cuttings
March is a good time to prepare seedlingsplants balcony plants , e.g. geraniums andfuchsiaRemember to make them from strong shoots, so the plants from which we will collect cuttings should bemoving respectively earlier (about 4-6 weeks) in place ofclearandwarm
When winter is light, somebirds start establishing nestsalready in FebruaryPrepared by us or bought ready-made nesting boxes will significantly facilitate this important jobwork sikorkomandother birds singing
We hang the houses at a height of 2-3 m above the ground. The entrance hole should be facingSouthorSouth EastIts diameter depends onsize specieswho will live in the cottage. It should be as small as possible so that magpies cannot get into the chicks. Remember that booths should be hung inplaces difficult availableforcatsorkun