Trees should be systematically pruned and care should be taken to prevent the development of any disease, using appropriate spraying. Watering the trees can be reduced to weekly duties, as they do not like too wet ground. Of course, it depends on air temperature and soil quality.
In the spring, you can also provide the tree with additional minerals in the form of a special fertilizer.In addition, to make the fruit look good, it is worth inoculating a seedling of a tree. If you have a small plot of land or garden, and you still want to grow fruit trees, it is worth choosing columnar fruit trees.
Young fruit trees should be provided with an additional portion of minerals needed for the proper expansion of the branches in order to create a properly developed tree crown. The fertilizer should be used in May and June. Choose the right, already prepared fertilizer mixtures that contain the right proportions of minerals.
Mineral fertilizer is applied to older trees every spring. Organic fertilizer, i.e. manure and compost, is used not more often than every 3-4 years. In cases of excessive soil acidification, the soil may also be limed in autumn.It is a procedure that is also performed no more than every 3-4 years.
Cutting fruit trees is one of the most important treatments influencing their condition and fruit quality. It is worth making the first cuts in early spring. You should get rid of all crossed branches, as well as damaged and broken branches. When the trees begin to bear fruit, remember to thin the fruit.
It has a positive effect on the quality of the fruit left behind, and also prevents the branches from breaking due to their excess, and also reduces diseases. Once we have picked the fruit, we can gently prune the damaged and crossed branches.