Practical Gardener: ideas for a decorative garden and water

Ornamental garden: no watering required

A hot summer with little rainfall and long periods of drought is a very difficult season for many plants to survive. Watering only saves them from wilting and drying out.However, there are species that lose very small amounts of moisture even in such conditions.They have developed various mechanisms to protect against excessive evaporation of water.

Hairy leaves

Thick Italian, covering leavescinquefoilPotentilla,purgatoryStachys oralchemillaAlchemilla, effectively protect the plant against excessive loss of moisture.

Thick leaves

Some plants have developed a thick, protective layer of cells in the skin of the leaves. These are, among others:MikołajekEryngium,EuphorbiaEchinops, Euphorbia spurge, and many grasses, e.g.blowoutLeymus and Helictotrichon oats.

Small leaves

Thymus thymus,gypsophilaGypsophila andlepnicaSilene are distinguished by very small leaves. The small area of ​​the leaves means that the plants lose little moisture despite the strong rays of summer sun and hot, dry air.

Long Roots

Roots penetrating deep into the soilgroyneCentranthus, Chrysopsis from the familyAsteraceaeand Rudbeckia rudbeckia take up a sufficient amount of water even during periods of drought .

Balconies and terraces in May

Protection against cold

Freshly planted balcony plants, which until recently grew in a greenhouse, can be bothered not only by cold nights, but also by cool wind and humidity.If necessary, the plants planted in boxes and pots are covered with non-woven covers.Particularly sensitive to moisture and cold are:impatiens , begoniasbulbous ,cynie ,hibiscusizaślaz

We check the supports

The more delicate shoots of plants in containers are exposed to wind damage, which is why we often tie them to stakes and poles. However, be careful that the ties are loose and do not injure the plantsEvery now and then, check the ribbons and the restraining bands.On their internal surfaces and in the nooks and crannies by the stakes and trunks insects and pests willingly nest.

We move indoor plants outside

Ficus, monsters and other indoor plants can successfully spend the summer outdoors. However, you should wait until the second half of May with the move. Plants should not be placed in direct sunlight, as they may suffer burns.

Empty the casings

After heavy spring rains, water collects in the pot covers and on the coasters.Its long-term excess may cause plant roots to rot.Therefore, water after rainfall should be poured regularly.

Water garden: a beautiful water garden in a few days

1.We start creating a water garden from marking the outline of the shoreline with sand. First, we select a strip of land on the outside of the line.Store the turf patches separately.

2.Mark with sand the width of the shelves for each depth level (zones with plants), then gradually select the soil, constantly checking the correctness of the leveling of the shoreline around the entire perimeter of the pond.

3.We determine the length and width of the foil on the basis of the bottom profile measurements.To the obtained values, add approx. 60-centimeter allowance on each side, needed to strengthen the bank.

4.First, we make a protective sand and foam base, and only later, when we are sure that no sharp edges stick out of the base, we lay the foil - preferably in a warm, sunny location day, because in the sun the foil becomes more flexible and drapes better.

5.Put stones in the deepest zones, pour out gravel, place baskets (burlap sacks) with plants.Gradually pour water into the pond so that the soil gradually settles .

6.The shore of the pond is only strengthened after a few days. We cover the foil with the previously selected turf, or apply a new layer of the substrate and make new plantings. Strengthen the whole with stones and decorate with tiles.

Vegetable: natural protection measures

Many plants, especially herbs, contain natural defenses that protect plants from pests. Some of them are:

Horsetail : Put 1 kg of fresh or 100 g of dry plants without roots for fermentation in 10 liters of water. Fermenting liquid manure combats aphids, scale and mealybugs.

Mugwort wormwood : Throw 300 g of fresh mugwort leaves into 10 liters of water and soak for 12 hours. We use the extract without dilution as a preventive and interventionist. Fights aphids, mites, ants and rusts.

Tomatoes : Tomato shoots and leaves contain highly fragrant essential oils. Cook the stock for 30 minutes.

Rhubarb : The leaves contain tannins and oxalic acid. Throw 1 kg of leaves into 10 liters of water and leave it aside for at least 14 days. It fights snails undiluted, and when diluted, it eliminates aphids and caterpillars.

Orchard: fruit trees in their best shape

Fruit trees, arranged in the form of a row by a sunny wall, decorate the body of the house for many years and, in addition, provide tasty crops.

When using the right cutting technique, even a complete layman should have no problems with growing young specimens, specially formed trees in the nursery.

In a classic lane form, the plant should have one straight middle stem. Pairs of side branches depart from it at different heights.Trim the leading shoot when the tree has all the levels and bears fruit. The side shoots are attached to horizontal, taut wires or wooden slats.Every year we remove all unnecessary, vertically growing shoots.

In the lane we can lead mainly pear trees, apple trees, apricots and peaches. Another variant is a fan. In this form, several shoots grow fan-shaped from one trunk. In this way, we can shape plums and cherries.

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