We grow pansies, daisies, lakes, forget-me-nots or Siberian poppies as seasonal flowering plants in spring. As the temperature rises in summer, these plants lose their decorative value.So it's time to replace them with seasonal plants that like warmth and sun.After removing pansies and daisies, we plant, for example, sage, marigolds, marigolds, pelargoniums and petunias. We do not forget about ornamental plants made of leaves, such as woolly helmets, Blume's mollusks or potato wolves.We are guided by their color, which we choose on the basis of contrast or complementary, size and shape.
In June, cutting is a very important operation, which causes the hedge plants to thicken and take the appropriate formThe correct cutting date is the end of June - the moment when new growths appear.Prune then : privet, alpine and golden currant, ottawan, common and Thunberg barberry, Siberian carrageen, dogwood and edible, wrinkled, common and shiny cotoneaster, slender and rough varicose veil, forsythia, cherry jasmine, hemlock, scarlet fever snow boots and shrubs.
A properly formed hedge should resemble a trapezoid with sloping sides in its cross-section.Before you start cutting hedges of boxwood, eastern laurel, scarlet fire, i.e. deciduous evergreen plants, trim also in June, shortening freshly produced increments by half. When trimming hedges from these plants, remember that pruning too late in the summer does not have time for the young shoots to lignified before winter. As a consequence, they can freeze.
Maintain leafy hedges, always green along the hedge, insert stakes and stretch a string taut between them. We shorten all this year's increments by 2/3, and start cutting from the top, then cut out all the shoots that grow beyond the taut cord, and finally round the edges.It is recommended that the annual growth should not exceed 1/3 of the length of one-year shoots.In conifers (thuja, junipers, cypresses and yews), whose buds are densely and regularly arranged, this size is limited down to 5-10 cm, shortening the fresh increments in June by 1/3 or 2/3 and improving in August.
In June, hedges made of plants that weep in the spring, i.e. they give off their juice after pruning the shoots: hornbeam, field maple, European beech.
Pots can be a decoration of any room, balcony and terrace. Properly selected size and color emphasize important compositional elements, create style and create a mood. It is worth spending some time and looking for pots that will match the plants we choose.Pots or just casings will give the plant a unique character and emphasize and emphasize their beauty.These pots can be made of natural materials: clay, stoneware, terracotta, wood and also plastic. The latter are relatively cheap, and some new products are aesthetically comparable to ceramic pots.
High-quality trees purchased in good nurseries start bearing fruit very early. It often happens that the first fruits develop on young trees planted in spring. This has both good and bad sides. It is true that we get the first desired crop early, on the other hand, heavier fruits can cause poorly rooted trees to tilt and even break branches. Therefore, in the first year after planting, even if fruit appears, they should be picked so as not to weaken the trees excessively (you can only leave a few to try).
If we decide to fruit early, remember about three things: make sure the tree stands vertically and does not bend over, supply more water during hot summer days and increase the dose of nitrogen fertilizers. This is very important, because the trees should grow intensively in the first years after planting, and only then, having an extensive crown, start abundant fruiting.
We water
We water cruciferous vegetables, onion vegetables and cucumbers systematically and intensively.
We weed away
We weed crops regularly, especially where seeds have been planted straight into the ground and the plants emerge slowly.
We supply
Vegetables with a long growing season and late harvest can be fed top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers, e.g. ammonium nitrate.
Remove the shoots
When leading nightshade vegetables (tomato, pepper, eggplant) on one or two shoots, remove all unnecessary side shoots. It is best to cut them with a secateurs when they are still short.
We cheer the beans
After the broad bean produces 4-6 pods, peel off its growth tip. This simple treatment can reduce the occurrence of aphids on this plant.
Trim cucumbers
We can trim the cucumbers over the 4-5th leaves of the main shoot. Plants will create more side shoots that will grow into female flowers and fruit from them.
This will come in handy!
Store the inedible remains of vegetables on the composter.