At the end of the growing season, the lawn should be mowed to a height of about 5 cm. If the grass is too long, it can rot. If it is too short, it may freeze due to the lack of natural cover. How often do we mow? We can mow recreational grasslands every 2-3 weeks.Flower meadows are usually mowed twice a season. Differently with ornamental lawns, these should be mowed frequently and regularly.Failure to meet these conditions usually leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of the turf and ultimately to weed infestation.
You also always have to take into account the local climatic conditions, soil fertility or the type of grass. It is important to respect the last mowing date. It should be early enough for the grass to regrow before the onset of winter.Thanks to this, the plants will accumulate the right amount of nutrients in the roots of the shoots, which will allow them to overwinter and regrow in the spring.
It is assumed that this mowing should be performed by the end of the first decade of October - that is about 20 days before the end of the growing season.With exceptionally warm autumn, this date can be postponed a bit.
Oxygen is essential for the proper development of grass roots. Under conditions of sustainable development, it reaches the roots through free spaces in the soil. However, when the soil is compacted, the access of oxygen is very limited, which causes the grass to gradually cover with moss and weeds. Weeds also appear where the soil is moist, heavy and improperly tended.
In such a situation, aeration, i.e. aeration, is necessary. It consists in removing or loosening the impermeable topsoil. This can be done superficially (surface aeration) or deeply (deep aeration).On small lawns, aeration is done with a pitchfork or a spiked roller.Aerators are used on large lawns.
Compost is a very good fertilizer for the autumn feeding of the lawn. It provides humus valuable for the soil and is recommended especially for lawns established on sandy soils. Scatter the compost to a thickness of 0.5 to 1 cm. Before that, we rake the lawn.Compost should be sifted through a reef with a mesh diameter of 1 cm before use.The effectiveness of compost depends on its nutrients and humus.It is largely influenced by the material from which it was prepared, the degree of grinding and mixing.
Compost that is applied to the surface of the lawn must be mature when it is spread. As a significant part of the nutrients contained in the compost is temporarily unavailable to plants, the fertilizer can be used in large doses from 300-600 kg per 100 m² every 4 years.For decorative and sports lawns, compost should be used even annually, but in smaller doses.The most appropriate time to use compost is autumn, but it can also be fed in spring or summer.
We can set up a lawn until the end of September. We clean it of weeds that are best treated with herbicides.After a grace period, about 3 weeks, dig up the soil and level it.Mixtures of various types of grass and their varieties are used to set up a lawn, and the final composition is always determined by:in type of soil, climatic conditions, purpose of the turf. Before sowing, it is good to roll the soil, preferably with a spike roller, which will break up the lumps, slightly compress and even the surface. The seeds are sown by hand or with a seeder.
After sowing, cover the seeds, stirring the top layer of soil with a rake (to a depth of about 2-3 cm).An even better way to cover your seeds is to spread a centimeter layer of peat mixed with sand or compost soil.The fall term for setting up lawns is better than the spring term for several reasons. The soil is well heated and there is no risk of delaying emergence due to the low temperature. Late summer rainfalls favor seed germination. At this time of year, weeds no longer sprout, so they will not choke the growth of the grass.
The soil for a rolled lawn is prepared in the same way as for a lawn made of seeds. Fall is the best date for laying turf, but not later than mid-October. Before laying it, the ground should be carefully leveled, compacted with a roller.The first strip of turf is placed from the center or on the edge of the planned lawn. It is important to press the turf strips tightly against the ground and against each other. The belts are placed so that the places where they connect do not run on the same line. Roll the finished lawn.
Bald spots on the lawn can be caused by various external factors. However, they can be covered quickly. First, mow the lawn as short as possible.Then we scarify the ground lengthwise and across, then we feed it with starter fertilizer.We sow. Cover the seeds with the compost soil sifted through the sieve and press it gently with a spatula. Water the lawn.