The driveway is planted with saddlebags

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My adventure with the garden started with filling the entrance to the property. I wanted it to look nice all year round, so I opted for evergreen yucca.

Planting planning

At the beginning, I started with the careful planning of the distance between the plants. I took into account the fact that after many years the yucca will grow and I planted them every 1.5-2 m. It is also good to choose a position so that when mowing the lawn, we do not approach too close with the mower. The blade of the device could tear the leaves. The plant will be safe if you sprinkle it with gravel or other mulch. In this way, it will not be exposed to any damage.

Job selection

My saddlebags are 8 years old and I can say that they don't like overdoing it. When they grow in a permanent place, they bloom better and can produce up to 9 inflorescence shoots.

Yucca care

Be careful with the large and stiff yucca leaves, because they have sharp tips. When carrying out maintenance works, and such works are performed several times a year, special care should be taken so that the spike does not irritate our skin or - what is worse - our eyes.

Soil conditions

Yucca grow well in permeable and not too moist soils. They prefer sunny and sheltered positions. Strong gusts of air can break flowering shoots which, due to their weight, cannot hold the entire inflorescence upright. Therefore, it is worth preparing an appropriate support for flowering plants. Such a pole should have a height adapted to the dimensions of the stem, i.e. about 100-130 cm.Dried shoots should be removed with a sharp pruner or a garden saw. I also regularly get rid of faded flowers, which look unsightly, lying in pebbles or simply hanging on dead stems.

Mulching the driveway

I sprinkled the yucca growing by the pavement with stone of various sizes (5-10 cm in diameter), which helps to maintain and care for them. Thanks to this mulch, the weeds do not have any puncture, and I do not have to run with a hoe. Previously, I used bark, but experience has shown that it does not work in places connected with paving stones. A strong wind was blowing her onto the pavement.

The yucca shed is separated on one side by paving tiles, and on the other - by a plastic garden palisade. Now - after some time - I know that plastic is not a good solution for a plot. It fades and loses color when exposed to the sun.

Fertilization of plants

I want to mention more about yuk power. This treatment is best done in the spring. If we want them to grow faster - I recommend Azofoska. Then I use the fertilizer from April to July.

Yuk rejuvenation

When I want to rejuvenate a plant, I cut out old parts. In the empty place, new shoots will appear in a relatively short time, which should bloom after two or three years at the most.

Advantages of the green driveway

The advantage of the plants that I have chosen for the entrance is that they also look great in winter, when the surrounding nature is asleep. In the full season, many of my guests delight with large groups of inflorescences. I can recommend growing yucca because they are not demanding. Most importantly - they rarely get sick and pests do not like them.

Gracja Dąbrowska

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