Ornate bamboo

Bambuscaught on surprisingly well in our climate and although we will still know the view of bamboo groves mainly from television, the cultivation of thisAsian supertrawyhas more and more fans also in the country on the Vistula.

Filigree leavesbamboo shimmers with shades of green and gathered in plumes embedded inlong, erect, sticky shoots ,which may be yellow,greenorblack,mottled or striped. Some species, such as Pleioblastus pygmaeus (readily used in large-area plantings), reach a height of only a dozen centimeters.However, there are also such as Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens that easily reach10 meters

Bamboo - universal plant

The enormous species diversity makesbambusapplicable in very different types of assumptions. It feels good both in solitary and group plantings, it works well asplant hedge ,ground coverandpotickowa.Can be combined with traditional garden shrubs, e.g.kousa dogwoodCornus kousa andsoap opera paniculataKoelreuteria paniculata, which produces paper-thin lantern-like seed heads in autumn.

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Dereń kousa Cornus kousa (Photo: Fotolia.com)

The cultivation of bambooposes a considerable threat to the bedding plants growing nearby. The reason is the expansiveness of rhizomes, especially in Phyllostachys species, which choke other crops. The best way to have full control ofbamboo root developmentis to use special protective sleeves. Only a few perennials are able to face such strong food competition, they include funkia,sedgeitrampoline.Only fargesia, the so-called clump bamboo that grows in a dense nest and grows sideways without creating bothersome distances.

Bamboo under control

If we do not want bamboo to instantly take over the entire garden, displacing other ornamental crops, the position on which the grass is grown should be surrounded by a special sleeve. This applies to all rhizome-forming bamboos such as Phyllostachys, Pleioblastus and Sasa.The sleeve is to be in the form of a tape about 70 centimeters wide (ordinary lawn edging is too narrow) and should be made of hard plastic; the foil for joints does not work in this case. Dig the sleeve so that its edge protrudes approx. 5 centimeters above the ground.

Thanks to this, we will be able to see clearly which shoots are trying to outgrow the obstacle, then it is easy to cut them out. For the cultivation of one plant, we should reserve an area of ​​at least 150 cm in diameter.

Bamboo care

Bamboo acclimates well to newenvironmental conditions.Most species prefer wind-sheltered places in the sun or partial shade. Only somedwarf species,like Sasa or Pleioblastus, can also grow in full shade. All species like humus, permeable soil. Bamboo shoots grow very quickly, therefore the grass must be plentifullyirrigatedandenergized.WApriland Julyplants are fedwith nitrogen fertilizer.

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(zdj .: Fotolia.com)

Leave fallen leaves on the ground because they contain valuableacid silicicGray shoots of high-growing species should be cut just above the ground in spring. Smaller species are notcold-hardy.In spring, before the plants start to rebound, the shoots are trimmed to a third of their height or mowed. In winterwater the grass(when the temperature is positive) and shade it (when the crops are exposed to strong sun).

Fargesiawould be a perfect plant if it were not for the fact that it dies after flowering. Fortunately, it doesn't happen quickly, as flowers appear every 60-120 years. The last massflowering ofFargesia murielae took place in the mid-1990s.This was explained by the fact that all the seedlings came from oneplant mother plant.

The miracle of flowering

As with all grasses, the flowering of bamboo is not very spectacular, even discreet and almost imperceptible. For some bamboos this is an overstraining task, so they die after flowering. An example is fargesia. Fortunately, this is not a common phenomenon, as it takes 60-120 years.

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