Decorative pine cones

First, the conifers look completely uninteresting. We cannot expect beautiful flowers or colorful autumn leaves on their shoots.However, a careful observer will quickly discover attractive details in most conifers, especially magnificent cones. (wear).

Decorations and treats

Pine cones are very durable, therefore florists very often use them when arranging reeds and other plant compositions.The enormous (up to 16 cm long) cones of Mediterranean pine trees are particularly decorative. There are two seeds called pineal seeds under the broad scales.

They ripen in the fall of the third year and fall off in the spring. During drought, the scales open up and moisture causes them to close. Pine seeds have short wings. After cleaning, as pine nuts, they are a tasty addition to baked goods and salads.

The most beautiful cones have several fir trees. These are i.a. California fir, its variety 'Argentea' and Korean fir. The fruits of the first two plants are difficult to see up close, because the trees are 20 m high and the cones appear on their tops. Korean Abies koreana fir is quite short, growing to a height of 8 m.Its dwarf varieties are even shorter, reach a height of 1-2 m and look very nice among plants in a rock garden, as well as in a heather bed or in a front garden. home.

Unfortunately, not all cultivation forms have inherited the ability to form beautiful cones from the wild species.Therefore, when shopping, it is worth paying special attention to the 'Blauer Pfiff', 'Bonsai Blue', 'Molli' and 'Siberlocke' varieties, which are decorated in beautiful colors even in their youth.

For various arrangements, we can use the cones of other conifers.The cones of spruce, Douglas fir, larch and pine, for example, are extremely decorative.Interestingly, they fall from the trees intact and retain their nice appearance for a long time in a woody form. Fir cones, on the other hand, lose their scales on the branches.

Spruce and Douglas fir cones mature in one season and can be found under trees in autumn.Getting pine and larch cones is more difficult because they hold tight to the shoots even for a few years.The largest cones - 60 cm long and weighing up to 3 kg - are found in some Californian pines.

Decorative cones of various shapes and colors

1.The cones of the Caucasian spruce Picea orientalis 'Aurea', reaching a length of 8 cm, shine strongly red-violet in their youth. As they mature in autumn, they turn brown and fall off the tree.In the spring, the golden color of the needles of young growths is also very effective.Later, in the summer, the shoots slowly turn green. Growing 8-12 m tall, the tree has a slender conical shape and fits perfectly in a medium-sized garden.

2. Japanese larch Larix kaempferi has small, initially round cones 3 cm long. The scales gradually open more and more and finally the cone takes the shape of a multi-layered rosette. Empty cones without seeds will persist on the shoots for more than a year.They become visible in late autumn, because larch is a unique conifer that sheds needles before winter.The 'Diana' variety reaches a height of 8 m and is distinguished by an unusual habit with irregularly arranged twisted branches.

3.The Douglas fir cones of Pseudotsuga menziesii are easy to recognize by the triple-tipped supportive scales that protrude far above the edge of the scales proper. The cones are about 10 cm long, mature during the season and fall in the fall. The powerful tree reaches a height of 50 m and 10 m in width, so it can only be planted in very large gardens.Douglas fir wood is brittle, shoots are easily broken by heavy snow or strong winds.

4. Araucaria Araucaria araucana comes from Chile and amazes with its exotic habit. It grows well in regions with light winters. Male flowers are typically cone-shaped.The real cones, which are formed from female flowers, are spherical and have a diameter of up to 20 cm.The browning cones drop after two or three years.

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