Water needed in the garden
Without water, nothing would grow in our garden. Many gardeners use rainwater to water their flower beds. I also used this benefit, but when there was not too much rainfall, I was forced to carry water in buckets more than once.
Well construction
A few years ago I had an idea to build a well. One main fact spoke for this - the groundwater level was just below the level of the garden. I dug a 1.5-meter hole. I put three circles in the center and one outside. I planked everything up nicely. Then I attached the shaft with a chain with a decorative wooden bucket on it. I covered the roof of the building with shingles to emphasize its natural character.I painted the whole with a neutral shade of brown paint. That's how I got a free water source and a great garden decoration.
Mud with excellent fertilizer
The water from my well is slightly muddy. So it is not suitable for drinking. But for plants it is priceless. The ingredients contained in the silt are an excellent natural fertilizer.
Drainage of the area
Drained water quickly returns to the previous level within an hour. Thanks to the well, the area dries up a lot. This is another advantage for me, because there are no more puddles on the property, as was the case before.
Drawing water
Draining is done in a traditional way, with a chain, or a little more conveniently with a pump.
Free watering
A well is a reliable way to obtain water for watering a vegetable garden. If the conditions allow it, it should be found on every plot.
Przemysław Budzisz