Less known varieties of viburnum

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Even in a winter-slumbering garden, surprising surprises can surprise us … One of them is the sight of a less known species of viburnum. Viburnum x bodnantensis will not be in full bloom until spring, but it can develop its first flowers in November.Snow-covered flowers on a shrub in a gray garden are a rare and unusual phenomenon.In a large group of species and varieties there are more strange plants, which is why viburnum has been fascinating garden lovers for a long time.

Our native wild species is the Viburnum viburnum V.opulus, immortalized even in folk songs and poetry.From May to June, and even to the first half of July, not very showy, round and flat inflorescences, composed of tiny white flowers, develop on the shrub's shoots.

Clusters of small blood-red fruits ripening at the end of summer look the most beautiful. A wild, transferred to us and often planted species is viburnum hordovina V. lantana. Its white flowers are gathered in compact, slightly rounded umbels.Small fruits are initially red and when ripe they are black.In gardens for many years, the most popular variety of the viburnum 'Roseum'. In May and June, the bush is covered with lots of white flower balls. Unfortunately, these flowers do not smell and bear no fruit.

If you want to enjoy the vanilla aroma of flowers, choose other species, such as Burkwood's evergreen viburnum.burkwoodii or the viburnum V. farrei. The Korean viburnum V. carlesii has flowers with a sweet and heavy aroma reminiscent of cloves.For these shrubs, choose a place from which the scent of flowers can easily reach us, e.g. in the front garden or by the terrace.On the exposed stand, we place a group of the most blooming varieties. The beautiful habit has many forms of the Japanese viburnum V. plicatum. In May and June, widely spread shoots disappear under densely arranged inflorescences.

In autumn the leaves take on beautiful, strong shades of red and purple.The range of arrangement possibilities is increased by evergreen viburnum. David V. davidii's little viburnum will loosen a group of shrubs or decorate a heather bed. The fast-growing Viburnum viburnum V. rhytidophyllum looks good in a group with other shrubs and serves as an attractive all-year cover.

Viburnum care

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Most species of viburnum are low-maintenance plants.They thrive best in sunny to semi-shaded places.The soil should be fresh and constantly slightly moist.In too dry places shrubs get sick more easily and more often. The exception is viburnum hordovina, which likes a rather dry substrate.

Always green species of viburnum should grow in places at least slightly sheltered, i.e. slightly shaded and not exposed to sharp gusts of winds.The rays of the winter sun are very dangerous when the ground is frozen and the moisture it contains is inaccessible to the roots of the shrubs.

Fertilization and watering

Kaliny are plants that are easy to care for. If a bush grows poorly, an additional dose of fertilizer will help, preferably in the spring. Mineral fertilizers are fast, but they should be used with caution. Organic fertilizers are better, such as horn chips, which decompose slowly and feed the plant for several months.Watering is usually unnecessary for kalinas. You just need to remember about recently planted bushes.

Cautious and prudent cutting

In the case of viburnum shears should be used with moderate enthusiasm. Early flowering species, such as Viburnum bodnantense, V. burkwoodii, V. farreri, and evergreen species, such as, for example, V. rythidophyllum, V. davidii, can be lightly overexposed every two or three years. Their crowns will be loose and lush. Japanese viburnum V. plicatum develops most beautifully when not cut.

On the other hand, our native species of viburnum hordovina V. lantana and coral viburnum V. opulus grow quite strongly.Bushes should be lightly shaded every year, removing some of the oldest shoots.

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