Thymus vulgaris - care, cultivation

More about the plant below:

Thyme, common thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

category : herbs, perennials

position : sun

height : up to 30 cm

frost resistance : to -15 ° C

reaction soil : slightly alkaline

preferences soil : fertile, permeable, light, rich in calcium

watering : little

color leaves/needles : green

color of flowers : pink, purple, white

shape : tufted

period flowering : June-September

seeding : spring

reproduction:sowing, division

persistence leaves : seasonal

application : balconies, edible and honey plant, flower beds, terraces

pace of growth : fast

Thyme ordinary - silhouetteForm of thyme growthStand for thymeThyme ordinary - cultivationApplication for thymeAdvice

Thyme - silhouette

Thyme is also known as common thyme. Thanks to its high resistance to frost and low environmental requirements, this Mediterranean species has become popular in many European countries.Sand thyme is a species widely distributed in the Polish flora.

Thyme growth form

Thyme produces evergreen leaves that form a beautiful rug in group planting. The shoots are covered with fine hairs that protect the plants from heat. They look silvered from a distance.Tiny pink flowers appear from May to August.

Stand for thyme

Slow-growing shrubs like places in full sun and dry ground.They grow in rock gardens, wall crevices and between paving slabs (occasional trampling on them does not hurt them). They are perfect for potting on the balcony and terrace.

Thyme - cultivation

Thyme is a long-lived plant, it should be planted immediately in the target position (in spring).Older specimens can be divided, shoot tips are rooted in the ground like traditional cuttings.No crops power.

Application for thyme

Stem tips are harvested shortly before or during flowering. Essential oils contained in the shoots, incl. thymol, have a disinfecting effect, which is why plants are used, among others for preserving foodstuffs and drugs with an expectorant effect.Thyme tea, best sweetened with honey, improves appetite and digestion.The fragrant leaves can be used as a bath aroma.


The more often the shoots are cut, the more densely they will grow.As a result, the thyme bushes will form a nice rug.

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