Zantedeskia ethiopska Zantedeschia aethiopica has been cultivated in Europe since the 17th century. As a species with always green leaves, it was treated as a pot plant, and its white inflorescences were used for cut flowers. Over the centuries, their image as funeral flowers has been established, but recently they are more and more often used in wedding bouquets and bouquets. In recent years, Ethiopian Calla Lily has been giving way to the so-called colorful calla lilies with colorful inflorescences.
Zantedeschia is a genus of rhizomatous perennials from Africafrom the Araceae family with an inflorescence typical of this family - a butt surrounded by a characteristic, wrapped sub-inflorescence leaf (bract), called the inflorescence sheath.It is the proper decoration of inflorescences (such as anthurium) and a charm for pollinating insects. The more and more popular "colorful calla lilies" have colorful inflorescence vaginas: yellow, orange, red or (almost) black. Compared to the Ethiopian Calla Lily, their inflorescence sheaths are more tightly curled, creating a characteristic "trumpet", and inside the inflorescences you can easily see the black base of the sheaths. The colorful calla lilies come mainly from three species with white spotted leaves: Rehman C. rehmanii calla lilies, C. elliotiana Elliot and C. albomaculata. They differ from the Ethiopian calla lily not only in the color of the inflorescences, but also in their biology: their above-ground parts dry up during the dry season, and the rhizomes dormant. Despite their seasonal decorativeness, they are more and more eagerly grown not only for cut flowers, but also as potted and container plants. They can also be planted in the garden in spring and dug up before winter.
During intensive growth, from spring to autumn, water the plants quite abundantly, but do not allow the plants to flood (for example, when the water is retained in the stand), because it leads to rotting of the rhizomes.Once a week, calla lilies should be supplemented with multi-component fertilizers, especially organic ones.
They look beautiful on their own, but blend in perfectly with other species with a slightly exotic appearance. Plants with a more delicate habit, such as sedges, are also a good complement.
Conditions for growing calla lilies
Due to their seasonality, flowering calla lilies are available for sale in spring. They should be provided with a bright but indirectly sunny place with a moderate temperature (optimal for growth is 18-20ºC). From mid-May, calla lilies will feel best on a balcony or terrace with an eastern exposure, or in a shaded place in the afternoon hours. Plants should be transplanted while they are dormant, but sometimes it becomes necessary to carefully (i.e. without disturbing the rhizomes and roots) transplant the purchased plants into a larger container, which will definitely help to keep moisture in the substrate. It should be fertile, permeable, but at the same time holding the water well.We finish feeding the plants in late summer, usually in August. Watering should also be more and more economical. Plants stop blooming first, and their leaves begin to dry out in September. After the leaves are dry, we stop watering the plants and keep the pots with rhizomes in a room with a temperature of 10-12ºC. When shoots begin to appear above the ground in spring, we provide the plants with a bright and warm place, and then start watering.
Before taking the calla lily to a warm place, dig up the rhizomes, divide them and plant them in a fresh substrate.