When the nights are getting colder in October, the days are stillsunnyandpleasant mildFor many garden owners, now is the most beautiful time of the year.Summer heatis over, continuouswatering plantYou can safely take the last sunbaths and enjoybeauty autumn nature
The multicolored summer in September andOctoberis followed by an equally colorful fall season. We enjoy late flowering perennials, showy grasses and the changing autumn colors of shrubs and trees.These changes arecaused by recovering in winterby the tree of most vital ingredientsingredientsfoodandmovingthem to the trunk and roots. Also,chlorophyllthen revealing other dyes that he has previously masked , such asyellow xanthophylliorange caroteneTherefore, each year the autumn colors of trees and shrubs may be slightly different.
Flowers on the fall discount
Fragrant stars
East Asian Clerodendrum, native to Asia, takes on an exotic appearance during flowering. Fragrant pink-red flowers open at the tips of the red shoots
Bright colors of asters
American aster Aster novaeangliae is an exceptionally strong, profusely flowering perennial. It looks very beautiful in the vicinity of shrubs that are always green, as well as shrubs in autumn colors
Millet in flames
The leaves of the Panicum virgatum 'Hänse Herms' millet turn brown red, and in September they release delicate, finely fragmented inflorescences
Full of charm
Anemones pink or white cup-shaped flowers of the Japanese Anemone appear in August and bloom until heavy frosts. Frost only damages flower petals
Many flowering alreadyearly summer bylin , such asdelphiniumDelphinium and aconite Aconitum, repeats flowering in autumn after cutting the shoots. Some varieties ofroses , incl. 'Pink Swany' and 'Westerland' open their last flowers this year, while asters are just now entering theperiodfull floweringPillow bush aster Aster dumosus creates wonderful, colorful carpets in autumn. Lush flowers inpink ,purpleorwhiteare very durable and successfully resist autumn rain and harsh the winds.The low clumpsastra bushyblend in very nicely with the taller, red-flowered Sedum, the magnificent Sedum telephium and the autumnal discoloredbladesgrasses, e.g.millet broomPanicum virgatum and Pennisetum.
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Rozplenica Pennisetum (Photo: Fotolia.com) |
A beautiful background for short perennials is created by lofty species blooming in autumn, e.g.overgrown speedwellVeronica crinita,soaringpatagonian verbena Verbena bonariensis,virgini asterAster novibelgii iamerican Asternovaeangliae.
The autumn garden also becomes more beautiful thanks to the beautifully discolored leaves of some perennials. Wilczomlecz golden(variegated) Euphorbiapolychromaigeranium multi-rootGeranium macrorrhisum boast strong shades of orange and red. Brown-red and yellow leavesceratostigmyCeratostigma plumbaginoides contrast very nicely with the blue flowers that open fully in the autumn aura, that is in September and October.
Autumn leaf colors
Impressive mountain ash
The rowan tree Sorbus aucuparia, found throughout Europe, is a valued ornamental tree. Yellow and orange-red leaves shine beautifully in the autumn sun
Fiery colors of maple
Decoratively cut leaves of the Japanese maple Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' reliably change color every year at the same time. The whole tree burns with shades of orange and red lilac-red plumes of leaves very early in autumn the leaves of the euonymus alatus flanked by euonymus take on.In the shade, the carmine to lilac-red leaves can be delicate
Colorful Dogwood
Flowering in spring or summer, various species of Cornus dogwood delight in autumn with beautiful, colorful leaves. Their additional decorative value is the beautifully colored fruit
European trees and shrubs, for examplemedlar ordinaryMespilus germanica andmaplepolnyAcer campestre, fill the autumn garden with warm, yellow and brown shades of their leaves. Trees and shrubs native to North America and Asia conjure up gorgeous red tones.
Leaves DogwoodCornus, Enkianthus andMaple JapaneseAcer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' beautifullyshine scarletand effectively chase away autumn moods slowly overwhelming the garden.
The garden smells! In the mild, humid autumn air,spreads themselves various aromasThe wilting leaves of Cercidiphyllum japonicum smell deliciousgingerbread cookies , and the aroma of fruitquinceChaenomeles sweetens us with the bitterness of parting with the last beautiful days of Indian summer. This is another of the many advantages ofa thoughtful autumn garden.