The lawn fulfills an importantaesthetic function, separating individual parts of the garden from flower beds and other garden equipment. Murawa is also an irreplaceable place to relax and play outdoors.
When planning a lawn, remember that one large surface is always better than several smaller ones. This is important for aesthetic and practical reasons, asfacilitates careThe ground should be flat, only in large spaces slight undulations are allowed.When setting up a lawn in the vicinity of roads and sidewalks, remember that the soil should be 3-5 cm lower than their edges, which will allow the lawn to be mowed in the plane of the roads. Withtrunks treesand shrubs, it is recommended to keep clean soil surfaces 30-50 cm long from the trunk and base of the shrub branches, as it facilitates the care of the lawn and plants .
The first step in setting up a lawn is to check the ground. Onlight ,sandysoils that are permeable and unable to hold water, it is necessary to add 10-30% clay and mix it with the topsoillayer soilsHowever, on compact, clay soils that have a tendency to retain water, it is recommended to add loosening materials, such ascoarse-grained sand
When establishing lawns, the content of nutrients is important, which may vary in the soil, because lawns are often set up on damaged soils and insufficiently rich innutrients nutrients To such soils it is worth adding compost, decomposed manure or mineral fertilizers, such as Azofoska. The appearance of the lawn is also determined by the pH of the soil, which for grassy plants should be kept within the limits ofpH 5.6-6.5
So before setting up a lawnthe soilshould be free of permanent and annual weeds (combated with total herbicides). Three weeks after spraying, the soil should be dug, then leveled and left undisturbed fortwoweeksBefore that, it is worth applying organic or mineral fertilizers, or fertilizers calcium
Mixtures of grass seeds of various species and their varieties are most often used. Their composition is determined by: type andmoisture soil ,conditions climatic,purposeof the lawn, anticipated intensitytramplingWhen selectingmixture , take into account the above-mentioned factors, which later arise from the way the lawn is used.
Sowing seeds should be started when the conditions are most favorablefor germination for sprouting- the seeds then emerge quickly and evenly. Factors determining the time of sowing are:temperature ,moisturesoil andairIn spring, favorable conditions appear from mid-April until mid-May. The second date is mid-August to the end of September. Before sowing, the soil should be smooth and not contaminated with e.g.stones ,debrisetc. Level the soil surface with a rake. Before sowing, the soil should be rolled, preferably withspike roller
Seeds are sown by hand or with a seeder. Manual seeding should not be done inwindy weatheras the wind will blow awaygentleand light seedsAfter sowing, cover the seeds by mixing in the shallow surface layer of the soil.A much better way is to spread a layer (1 cm high) of peat mixed with sand orsoil composton the sown surface. with small drops, because coarser ones cause leaching of seeds. The dose of water should not exceed 10 liters per 1 m2 every 5 days.
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When the grass grows to a height of 3-5 cm, it is worth rolling itlight rollerAfter 2 or 3 days, mow the first time, shortening the ends of the leaves by 2 cm. Mowing should be done regularly when the heightof grassexceeds 5-6 cm. In later years, it is important to mow the lawn frequently as well as fertilize and water it.It is recommended to use 2-4 kg of compound fertilizer per 100 m2, and for intensivemowing- up to 8 kg. Half of the fertilizer dose is sownin springand the second one at the beginningSeptemberThe last nitrogen fertilization is applied inAugustin a dose not exceeding 1-2 kg per 100 m2. The subsequent application of nitrogen fertilization promotes the infestation of grasses bydiseasesandpests
The most convenient way is to usefertilizerslong-acting, such as Osmocote, which is applied once a season, gradually releasingnutrients . After fertilizing, the lawn should be watered very much.
Intensively used lawns requireaerationThis is a procedure that loosens the substrate and improves the relationshipair-water using special devices, the so-called aeators, with which holes are made inturfand at the same time cut 10 cm long rolls.The lawn should be aerated annually after mowing the grass in July, especially on clayey and compact soils. In small areas, this treatment can be performedforks American