Onions to start!

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Nature never ceases to amaze us. How does snowdrop snowdrop know spring is coming? Why do plants start blooming at the right time? These questions have occupied the minds of many scholars.Meanwhile, various factors have been found to influence the initiation of vegetation and flowering.

Many plants from our latitudes must survive the winter before they start to sprout new shoots. This protective mechanism makes it impossible to come back to life after a short break in the same fall. In order for the seeds to cool down sufficiently when they are dormant, the air temperature should remain below -5 ° C, most often for many weeks.This process is also caused artificially by professional gardeners.It has been called stratification and is intended to maintain or even increase the germination of seeds with a shortened dormancy period.

Some plants use their leaves to judge the length of the day. They only bloom when the days get longer in the spring. On the other hand, species that bloom earlier, at the end of winter, adjust their internal clock to the temperature (they also include ornamental bulbs)The air temperature is less important to them than the temperature of the ground.As soon as the sun's rays will slightly warm the earth, the onions will awaken their internal alarm clock.

Leaves and flowers emerge from the bulbs in a relatively short time. Snowdrop the snowdrop wakes up first. Its temperature is only slightly higher than the freezing point.The plant can even break through a thin layer of snow, as long as the ground is not frozen.

Hats trick

The purchased hyacinth bulbs for forcing have already passed the period of artificial winter in a cool room. So they are prepared for spring.But a little trick is needed to stimulate them to start vegetation.Cover the top of the onion with a non-translucent paper cone. Darkened bulbs will quickly sprout leaves and shoots. Take off the caps when they start to rise. Now we move the glasses with hyacinths to a well-lit place. Fragrant flowers will soon develop.

Not all snowdrops always agree that winter is over. Some of them bloom already in December, but most of them wait until February and March.The differences in site conditions play a significant role in this.The sheltered place near the house wall or the sandy ground, more permeable, is warmer than others. clayey. Snowdrop snowdrop can overcome the effects of sudden bouts of winter.It is armed with a kind of natural cover, which effectively protects against frost attacks.

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