Pysznogłówka , also known as monarda or bergamot, is a honey plant with moderate requirements, which delights with a multitude of forms, shapes and colors. We present the most interestingvarieties of pysznogłówkaand explain whatcultivating pysznogłówkalooks like in the garden. See how to makepropagation of monardyfrom your own cultivation and what diseases can threaten this plant. Here are the best ideas forusing the headstockin garden plantings!
Pysznogłówka - Monarda
The genus of the gingerbread(Monarda) includes about 16 species belonging to the Lamiaceae family, mainly from North America, where they are covered with moist forests, thickets and the shores of water bodies. The Latin name derives from the name of the botanist Nicolas Bautist Monardes, who in the 16th century described medicinal plants from this group.
Pysznogłówki grow up to 150 cm in height , forming clumps of four-crowned, raised stems covered with lanceolate leaves with serrated edges.Monard lingual flowersgathered in heads or capitate whorls appear in June at the tops of the shoots. When rubbed, the plant exudes a strong citrus aroma. Honeybearheads attract bees and butterflies.
Pysznogłówki are widely used in gardens.They work well as plants for planting around ponds.They look beautiful in single-color groups, but also wonderfully blend in with other flowering species such as: daylilies, yarrow, phlox, rudbeckia, echinacea, oatmeal, iris, catnip, meadowsweet, spurge, speedwell, delphinium or ornamental grasses.
Low varieties of Pyszheadłóweklook beautiful when grown in pots. They are also suitable for cut flowers as they stay fresh in a vase for a long time. Pyszheadłówki also work well in compositions for dry bouquets.
Pysznogłówka accompanied by grasses
The pharmaceutical industry uses thehealing properties of the monarda herbThe essential oils and infusions of monardy herb support colds as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents and soothe sore throats. The tonic used externally soothes inflammation and helps in the fight against acne.
It is worth knowing thatanti-acne tonic from the delicious headcan be prepared at home.For this purpose, pour half a glass of dried or fresh leaves with water and simmer, covered, for about 5 minutes. After cooling down, wash the skin 2-3 times a day.
Out of a dozen or so species of pyszheadłówek in Poland, only a few are popular and cultivated. We present the most popular ones.
Garden Pysznogłówka(Monarda hybrida) - is a perennial which is a hybrid of Monarda didyma and Monard fistulosa. Reaches up to 150 cm in height and forms dense clumps of raised shoots covered with egg-shaped, pointed leaves on the underside covered with soft hairs. The flowers are gathered in flower heads.
Double Pysznogłówka(Monarda didyma) - also known as the scarlet paddle, it is a perennial that can reach 60-100 cm in height. It looks beautiful on the shores of water reservoirs, where it has enough moisture. It belongs to the plant frost resistance zone 4.
Double pysznogłówka - Monarda didyma
Lemon Pysznogłówka(Monarda citridora) - in our conditions, grown as an annual plant, it reaches 80-100 cm in height. It grows quickly thanks to runners. After rubbing, it gives off a pleasant lemon scent. It blooms from June to September.
Brass head(Monarda fistulosa) - reaches up to 150 cm in height. Produces branched at the top of the stem, covered with purple spots and densely hairy. Leaf blades sawn at the edges. From underneath, along the veins, they are softly hairy. Flowers gathered in a head surrounded by leaf-like sockets - smaller and densely mossy. Frost resistance zone 5.
Pysznogłówka dęta - Monarda fistulosa
Pysznogłówka dotted(Monarda punctatca) - is an aromatic perennial, but in Poland it is grown as an annual plant.It reaches a height of 30-100 cm. It creates a clump of raised, mossy stems. The lanceolate leaves are narrow and form quasi-falcons. Flowers gathered in capitate pseudo-rings. Podsadki are longer than the calyx of a flower, lanceolate, white, pink to magenta in color, and the crown is light yellow, purple-spotted. It smells like thyme when rubbed. Frost resistance zone 5.
The cultivation site should be warm and sunnyOnly some species, such as the shaggy head, also tolerate partial shade. The soil for the cultivation of these plants should be fertile, humus and slightly moist. In droughts,heads need watering , especially when grown in poorer soil and in full sun. Plants respond well to fertilization. Organic fertilizers such as mature compost or biohumus are especially worthwhile.
Frost resistancedepends on the species, but usually plants do not require additional protection from the cold. Mulching with compost will provide sufficient cover against possible frost and prevent water evaporation from the substrate.
Pysznogłówka - Monarda
Regular removal of faded inflorescences extends the flowering period of the plant. After it has faded, it is worth cutting the headstock to stimulate it to produce flowers again in the fall.
Pysznogłówka can be multiplied in 3 ways:
Pysznogłówki are quite resistant to diseases and pestsOf the diseases, these plants are most often attacked by powdery mildew. The white powdery coating that appears on various parts of the plant is the mycelium of Erysiphales species. Infected leaves begin to turn brown and curl, and then fall off, and the entire plant dies.
To protect plants from mildewyou need to provide them with enough space, do not allow the substrate to dry out and regularly remove infected plant parts. In order to strengthen plants in a natural way and combat an already emerging disease, it is worth preparing and regularly using extracts, decoctions or liquid manure from common plants such as: nettle, horsetail, celandine or yarrow. If we are not able to prepare the preparations ourselves, we can use ready-made preparations, such as: Biosept Active, Evasiol, Limocide or Nettle Target growth stimulator. Among the chemicals, you can choose, for example,Scorpion 325 SC.
The pests most often attacking the gingerbreadare aphids. Leaf and flower feeding weaken plants, often carrying viral diseases and promoting fungal infections. As a result of these pests feeding, the leaves become discolored and deformed, and plant growth is generally impaired. To combat aphids in the garden, we can use the natural preparation Emulpar 940 EC or use stronger agents such as Karate Gold, Mospilan 20 SP or Polysect 005 SL.
MSc Eng. Anna Błaszczak