Clematis beautiful and he althy

ClematisClematis are some of the most beautiful climbers,can match beautyand variety color climbing rosesIn addition, they are more versatile plants than roses, because they come fromareasforest , so they can grow not only inplaces sunlit , but also in partial shade.

Flowering climbers with few exceptions - they areplantsrelatively small: a height of 3 m is all thatusually can achieveThere is no need to prepare any high scaffolding on the house wall or a solid pergola for them.Just a smallbow roseoropenworkcolumnna rabacieso that saggy shoots have good support, allowing for a smooth growth and abundant flowering. On the wall of the house, at a distance of about 20 cm, stretchhorizontallyandstretch thin linesaround which the clematis petioles will wrap, ensuring the shootsgood fixing

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If we want to cover the greenerylargethe pergola , let's decide on the pink blooming Clematis montana 'Rubens', which easily reaches heights 8 m. The cultivars 'Superba' with white flowers and 'Marjorie' with semi-double flowers were also bred.

Clematis shoot wilting

A disease called shoot wilt is what black leaf spot is for clematis. Diseased plants not only bloom poorly, but most often they completely die. The fungus first attacks the apical shoots, starting with the youngest ones, causing them to wilt. The leaf petioles turn black. Gradually, the affected parts of the plant die.

The disease can be prevented by planting and cultivating the vines strictly according to professional guidelines, but the best way to avoid unpleasant surprises is to grow clematis resistant to fungus infestation.

Some large-flowered hybrid varieties (interspecies), such as 'The President', 'Red Pearl' and 'Hagley Hybrid', are very he althy. However, numerous varietiesClematis ItalianClematis viticella are fully resistant. In addition, breeders fromEurope Easternevery year introduce new, improved forms for sale, which in size of flowers are equal to small-flowered hybrid varieties. Bujnie bloomingbeauties delight with their natural charm, which many large-flowered hybrids partially lost in breeding duringlong-term , intensive processes transformationsRemember that you should not panic when you notice the first symptoms of wilting. Their cause may also be a lack of moisture insubstrateortoo concise earth

Clematis care

Clematis Italianis an attractive plant also because of its easy care.Because Climber , similar to flowering once a seasonclematis hybrid , sets flower buds only on new shoots, pruning its shoots in early spring just above the ground to a length of 20-30 cm. Such a drastic procedure will encourage the plant to sprout newstrong shoots , which will have a lot of flower buds. Whenwinteriswarm , clematis can be pruned at the end of February.Delaying pruning may causeshift period flowering evenuntil late summer

More practice and caution requires cutting repeating shootsflowering large-flowered hybridsIf we cut one-year-old shoots too much,early in summer plantwill not bloom, but at the end of summer a lot of flowers will develop into new ones shoots.More modestpruning will keep more flower shoots from last year, but new growths will be less numerous andrepeat floweringin late summer lessabundant

Clematis are planted by placing the root ball 10 cm deeper than they grew in the containers. The substrate should be permeable, because clematis cannot withstand stagnant water inwithin rootsThe hole under the creeper should be protected with drainage.Also remember that clematis must haveshaded baseso that the roots will not overheatperennials are perfect for this purpose, complementing thearrangement , blooming on a date other thanclematis

New valuable varieties of clematis

In May - June and August - September the shoots of the new hybrid variety of the 'Empress' clematis are decorated with large, full flowers up to 15 cm in diameter. Huge, light blue flowers up to 20 cm in diameter develop on the stems of the hybrid 'Ice Blue' (TM) in May and June, while in August - September, smaller, almost completely white flowers open. The trademarked varieties are recommended by the English Horticulture Society.

The new hybrid of 'Fireflame' (TM) develops 10-14 cm diameter flowers densely filled with petals in the spring, while at the end of summer it has single flowers. Very dark flowers, 4-5 cm in diameter, decorate the shoots of the Italian 'Black Prince' clematis from June to September.The magenta-colored clematis flowers of the Italian 'Jenny Caddick' are 6-8 cm in diameter.

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