Clematis 'Grunwald' PBR (Silhouette)

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Every year, several to a dozen novelties of the genus Clematis appear on the global horticultural market, among which an important group are clematis obtained by a Polish grower
Dr. Szczepan Marczyński.Its varieties are appreciated and willingly cultivated not only in Poland, but also abroad, incl. in Great Britain, USA, Japan and China.

One of the most interesting varieties of clematis from the Late Large-flowered Group is 'Grunwald', which had its premiere in 2014 at the Novelties Plant Competition of the exhibition 'Green is Life'. The plant was entered into the competition by the Clematis Nursery, Source of Good Climbers.

Clematis 'Grunwald' is a variety with dark, purple-violet, velvety flowers.Blooms profusely from mid-June to early August, then continues less bloom until October.The climber grows strongly, it climbs with the help of leaf petioles to a height of about 3-3.5 m. Young shoots are purple, the older ones turn brown. The dull green leaves are single or 3-5 leaflets, approximately 21 cm long and 19 cm wide. Young leaf blades have purple-tinged edges.

The flowers are medium-sized, 10-12 cm in diameter, composed of 6 (sometimes 4-5) diamond-shaped, pointed, dark purple tepals with a pink stripe running down the center. In the center of the flower are purple-violet anthers suspended on creamy-green threads.The variety is useful for creating covers and growing over fences, gazebos, trellises and other tall garden supports.Can climb natural frames, e.g. .large shrubs or trees. It looks especially nice against a light background.

Growing clematis

Clematis 'Grunwald' is fully frost resistant, can withstand temperature drops down to -34 ° C. It also tolerates spring frosts well. Prefers sunny positions.Blooms most profusely in fertile, humus, moderately moist but well-drained soils, with a slightly acidic to alkaline reaction.Tolerates average soil after fertilization.

The plants are planted in the pit (60x60x60 cm) with fertile soil and a 10 cm layer of drainage at the bottom, 5-10 cm deeper than they grew in the container. In spring, plants should be strongly pruned at a height of about 50 cm, removing damaged and dead shoots.This will allow them to bloom, shoot a lot and bloom profusely.

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