Estragon Artemisia dracunculus
description:perennial with raised shoots and shiny, narrow leaves,
harvest and use:spice plant with a pungent smell and refined taste, leaves can be harvested throughout the season, leaving 2/3 of the stem, fresh leaves can be added to meats, fish dishes, salads, eggs, for pickling cucumbers and for pickling, the leaves can also be frozen or dried,
cultivation:by dividing rhizomes in the spring or by shoot cuttings in the summer, if we purchased seeds, then sow them in containers in March, and then plant them in the ground in May (recommended large, 40 cm spacing between seedlings), requires sunny positions, however, it is advisable to slightly shelter from excess sun, the soil should be fertile, plump and regularly weeded,
More: tarragon - cultivation, use, recipes
St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum
description:perennial, aromatic herb, also known as St. Jana,
collection and application:flowering tops of St. John's wort are harvested in summer, it is used in the treatment of liver diseases, decoction is sometimes used for compresses (for wounds and boils),
cultivation:sow seeds in spring, requires sunny locations, low soil requirements,
More: St. John's Wort - use, healing properties, cultivation
Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis
description:green shrub with dark, purple-blue flowers, reaching up to 60 cm in height, is used as a spice, medicinal plant (helps with indigestion and as an antiperspirant) and as an ornamental plant (suitable for low hedges and borders),
harvest and use:leaves for direct use can be harvested throughout the season, if they are to be dried - harvest in early summer, a small amount is added to soups, bean dishes, game and pâtés , and fish dishes,
cultivation:sowing seeds from April to May in boxes, and when the plants are about 3 to 5 cm tall, we plant them into the ground, they can also be propagated by division, requires sunny and dry positions, no tolerates freshly fertilized soil,
More: Hyssop. Cultivation and application
Medical lavender Lawandula officinalis
description:short perennial with a long-lasting and delicate fragrance, used for hedges and dried flower arrangements,
collection and use:lavender flowers are made into a calming, refreshing and antiseptic infusion, it is also used to repel moths,
cultivation:seeds are sown in pots in April, the seedlings are planted permanently in May, requires sunny locations and soils rich in lime, it is worth covering before frost in the winter,
European Lebanese, Oregano Origanum vulgare
description:herbaceous perennial with small white-pink flowers, it can grow up to over a meter in height,
harvest and use:leaves for direct consumption are harvested during growth, leaves collected before flowering can be dried and frozen, aromatic leaves enrich the taste of pizza, casseroles, salads and sauces,
cultivation:seeds are sown directly into the ground in April, you can also reproduce by dividing in spring or autumn, and by shoot or root cuttings in summer,
More: Oregano, the common marjoram. Cultivation and application
Lovage Levisticum officinale
description:tall perennial (up to 2 m tall) with deeply divided leaves and green-yellow flowers gathered in umbels,
harvest and use:young leaves are harvested in spring, they can be frozen or dried, aromatic leaves are an addition to soups, broths, roasts,
cultivation:seeds are sown for inspection in August, immediately after harvesting, they are planted permanently in April of the following year, you can also multiply by division in spring or autumn, the plant requires a sunny position and moist soil,
More: Lovage - application, cultivation
Lemon balm Melissa officinalis
description:the plant forms clumps up to 60 cm high, leaves oval, serrated, with a lemon scent,
harvest and use:collect leaves before flowering, add them to cold drinks, sweet dishes or herbal teas (they have a refreshing and calming effect),
cultivation:seeds are sown in shallow containers from March to April, from mid-May you can plant them permanently, you can also multiply by dividing in spring or autumn,
More: Lemon balm - application, healing properties, cultivation
Peppermint Mentha piperita
description:perennial with a refreshing scent and pink-purple flowers, reaching a height of 60 to 80 cm,
harvest and use:leaves are collected before flowering, fresh leaves are an excellent addition to salads, vegetable and meat dishes, mint tea has a refreshing effect and is beneficial in digestive disorders and liver diseases,
cultivation:the plant is propagated vegetatively from wild runners, these layers are planted after the last frost (from the end of May), requires moist and nutrient-rich soil, it also feels good in slightly shaded places ,
More: Peppermint - cultivation, properties, application
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis
description:evergreen shrub (unfortunately not resistant to frost) with needle-like leaves, suitable for hedges, blooms pale blue in spring, in its Mediterranean homeland it can reach up to 3 m in height, in however, it grows very slowly,
harvest and use:young tips of rosemary shoots are an excellent seasoning for mutton, venison, as well as other meats, and dishes made of potatoes, cabbage and tomatoes, has digestive properties, and when added to the bath, it works refreshing and refreshing,
cultivation:seeds can be sown in shallow containers covered with foil in April or directly into the ground at the end of May, however, due to the lack of frost resistance to frost, we recommend growing plants in pots, which for the winter period we move it indoors, you can also reproduce it by herbaceous cuttings (put the cuttings in water to make them root, and then plant them in a mixture of garden soil and peat), cultivate the plant in sunny and dry places, in poor soil rich in lime
More: Rosemary - properties, cultivation in the garden
Ruta graveolens
description:fast-growing perennial plant with woody stems at the base, blue-green leaves, yellow flowers appear in the summer, gathered in umbels, up to 1 m high,
harvest and use:has a wide range of applications in medicine and cooking, it was known and appreciated already in biblical times, for food purposes cut the stems before flowering, the leaf has a bitter taste, but a small piece of it will add flavor curd, eggs or meat sauces, in medicine, rue leaves infusion is used to rinse tired eyes, the tea stimulates the appetite and has a diaphoretic effect, and fresh leaf tincture is used against rheumatism,
cultivation:requires sunny or slightly shaded positions, alkaline soils, you can also grow it indoors to make it grow, cut the shoots down to the woody parts in spring, attention - it may cause skin irritation, therefore the work perform care with gloves,More: Ruta - use and cultivation in the garden
Medicinal sage Salvia officinalis
description:perennial growing from 50 to 60 cm tall,
harvest and use:the best are fresh leaves, they can also be dried, but after drying they are less aromatic, fresh leaves are added to meats, poultry, fish and sauces, they also have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. in the treatment of oral cavity diseases,
cultivation:seeds are sown in boxes in April, and when it produces 2 to 3 pairs of leaves, plant them into the ground, it requires dry and sunny positions, it goes on any soil,
See more: Medicinal sage - cultivation, use, properties,
Thyme Thymus vulgaris
description:short (up to 30 cm tall), evergreen shrub with small leaves, blooming in pink or light purple in summer,
harvest and use:for direct use, the leaves are collected at different times, the tops of the shoots are collected for drying, and the leaves and flowers, when they are almost dry, fresh twigs can be added to oils and vinegar, the leaves enrich the flavor of meats, cold cuts and soups,
cultivation:seeds are sown directly into the ground in April, you can also reproduce by dividing the roots in spring, and by layering in spring or autumn, requires a sunny position, but does not have high soil requirements,
See more: Thyme - cultivation, healing properties, application
See also: annual herbs and biennial herbs
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