Decorative plants - Page 15

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"align=left height=110 width=110 diseases - why it does not bloom, brown, twisted leaves "
Absence of flowers or brown, twisted lilac leaves may be symptoms of lilac disease or pest infestation. Find out about the most common reasons why your lilac lost its charm. See why it does not bloom without lilac and how to deal with such a situation. Here are proven methods for lilac pests and diseases. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 without - application, varieties, cultivation "
The well-known elderberry (Sambucus nigra) growing on wastelands and roadsides is a species so ubiquitous that most people consider it an uninteresting and unremarkable plant. It's a pity, because elderberry, as an inseparable element of the Polish landscape, should also find a place for itself in gardens. See what it can be used in garden plantings and what varieties of elderberry to grow. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 shrubs with edible fruit "
Many ornamental shrubs planted in our gardens also bear edible fruit, the value of which is often underestimated. These fruits can be used for culinary purposes, being an excellent raw material for tinctures, wines, juices, jams, preserves and teas. What's more, these plants are also found in the wild and obtaining their fruit even outside the garden will not have a problem. Find out how to use these fruits in your kitchen.Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 buckthorn - cultivation, medicinal properties, application "
Sea buckthorn is a deciduous shrub with decorative fruits. Perfect for difficult conditions, it is easy to grow, and the healing properties of sea buckthorn are appreciated. See how the cultivation of sea buckthorn in the garden looks like. In a moment you will learn how to guarantee abundant fruiting of sea buckthorn and how to use its natural healing properties! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 jasmine - varieties, cultivation, diseases "
Fragrant jasmine is a frost-resistant shrub with moderate requirements, valued for its beautiful flowers with an unusual smell. See how easy it is to grow jasmine in your garden, choose the best varieties of fragrant jasmine for your plot and learn about the ways to treat jasmine diseases and pests that may sometimes appear on this plant.Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 Coral - cultivation, varieties, diseases "
Coral viburnum is a shrub valued for its spectacular inflorescences, nice fruit and intense leaf discoloration in the fall. Find out more about the requirements of this shrub, see what varieties of viburnum are worth planting and check what diseases and pests can threaten viburnum. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 Kalmia - cultivation and recommended varieties "
What does broad-leaved kalmia look like and is it worth planting? Learn the secrets of cultivating broad-leaved kalmia and choose the most interesting varieties for your garden. Along with the downloadable article, a list of broadleaf squid varieties! Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 leaves - cultivation, varieties, cutting "
The veggie tree is an evergreen shrub belonging to the heather family. It is decorated with picturesquely colored leaves, thanks to which it is an interesting compositional element on moors and naturalistic flower beds. See what the cultivation of the laurel root looks like, when to cut it, and learn about the varieties with beautiful colored leaves. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 - garden plant - cultivation and care "
Hebe is an evergreen plant from the plantain family, which includes over 100 species ranging from a few cm to even several meters in height. It owes its name to the Greek goddess of youth. It can be grown as a pot plant, but there are also species that are perfect for the garden. See how the cultivation and care of Hebe in the garden looks like and see what varieties of Hebe to choose for planting in garden beds. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 hydrangea - cultivation, care, why it doesn&39;t bloom "
Garden hydrangea is a shrub valued for its large, beautiful inflorescences that we can admire throughout the summer. It can be planted as a solitaire or in combination with other plants. See how the cultivation of hydrangeas in the garden looks like and how the hydrangea care should be so that it blooms for a long time. We explain why sometimes the hydrangea does not bloom and how to change the color of the hydrangea flowers. Read more …"align=left is the hydrangea losing color? "
The intense colors of the hydrangea flowers make these shrubs wonderful plants for bedding. By planting them in the garden, we want them to decorate it as long as possible. Meanwhile, it happens that the hydrangea loses the color of the flowers or leaves. It doesn't look so pretty then. Find out why hydrangea loses color and what to do then. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 hydrangea - varieties, cultivation, cutting "
Bouquet hydrangea is an ornamental shrub suitable for most gardens with beautiful cone-shaped inflorescences, most often in white or shades of pink, decorating the plant from summer to autumn. In order for it to bloom abundantly and for a long time, it should be provided with appropriate habitat conditions and proper care, including pruning. Here are the secrets of beautifully flowering bouquet hydrangeas. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 Leaf Hydrangea - varieties, cultivation, cutting, reproduction "
The oak-leaved hydrangea is an interesting, though underestimated species among hydrangeas. In addition to decorative flowers, it has extremely decorative leaves. There are also many varieties of oak-leaved hydrangea with large, showy inflorescences. See how the cultivation, cutting and reproduction of oak-leaved hydrangea looks like in your home garden. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 Hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) "
The climbing hydrangea is the only climber among hydrangeas. It is characterized by lush growth and good frost resistance. It can be planted next to walls, fences, it perfectly climbs tree trunks, and without a support it will be a ground cover plant. See what conditions it needs to be able to enjoy the beauty of this climber and admire its flowers. Read more …"align=left height=110 width=110 cut. How and when to prune hydrangeas? "
Hydrangeas are one of the most beautiful plants in our gardens. Properly performed hydrangea pruning will allow you to fully enjoy the charm of these unusual ornamental shrubs and have a huge impact on the abundance of their flowering. See how and when to prune hydrangeas to enjoy their wonderful flowers every year! Read more … ◄ BACK.NEXT ►
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