Why does the peony not bloom

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Peony, sometimes also called peony, is one of the most popular flowers in Polish gardens, enchanting with its beauty from spring to summer. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens thatpeony does not bloomWhat to do then? Find out about the top 7 reasonswhy peony does not bloomand how to make the plant bloom again.

Why is the peony not blooming? See how to get her beautiful flowers!

Peonies are perennials that should grow in fertile, not too heavy and adequately moist soil.We water it so that the plants do not dry out, but at the same time the soil cannot be wet. They prefer sunny or slightly shaded positions, preferably warm and sheltered from winds. After planting, the peony takes about 2 years to take root well. In order to improve its flowering and development, we should fertilize it with fertilizers available in garden centers. With proper care, the peony blooms from May to June. If we make mistakes, it may happen thatpeony does not bloomIt is worth knowingthe reason for the lack of peony flowersto choose the right solution.

1. The peony is not blooming because it has been planted too deep

Peony carps should be planted at such a depth that its eyes (stem buds) are 3-5 cm below the ground. Planting too deep is the most common reasonwhy the peony does not bloomspade or fork.When we raise a carp to the appropriate height, we sprinkle the space under it with soil or compost. The best time for such a procedure is early spring or fall (September).

2. The peony does not bloom because it was planted too late

Peonies should be planted from the end of August to the end of September. If the plant is planted much later, it may not bloom next spring. Then there is nothing else but to ensure its proper care and wait for flowering until the next year

3. The peony does not bloom because we did not remove the litter after the winter

A common reason whypeony does not bloomis not so much planting the plant too deep as forgetting to rake up the mulch left over from the winter cover. An additional layer of mulch causes the eyes of a peony carp to be too deep, even though it is properly planted. Therefore, remember to remove the mulch after the winter, so that the buds are covered with a layer of substrate no thicker than 5 cm.

4. The peony does not bloom because it is dominatedby larger plants and has too little light

When our peony grows among tall trees or close to sprawling shrubs, it will bloom poorly and will not look too impressive. Peonies can not stand strong competition. Therefore, whenpeonies are not blooming , it is worth checking if a tree or dominant bush does not take too much of their nutrients or casts a shadow on them. In this case, it is recommended to transplant the peonies to another place in early September.

5. The peony does not bloom because it is overfilled with nitrogen

When the peony has developed beautiful and abundant green leaves, and the flowers are either very weak or absent, this may indicate an over-fertilization of the plant with nitrogen and a lack of phosphorus and potassium needed for flowering. Therefore, for fertilizing peonies, it is best to use multi-component fertilizers with microelements.If we use various types of organic fertilizers, such as e.g. nettle manure or other fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, remember to add fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, e.g. superphosphate and 40% potassium s alt. And of course, let's reduce the doses of nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

6. The peony is not blooming because it is attacked by gray mold

If our peony developed beautiful buds, and when they were approx. 5 cm in diameter, they suddenly turned brown or blackened and covered with gray coating, it means that our peony was attacked by gray mold. Brown stains can also cover the stems and leaves. In such a case, spray with a fungicidal preparation, e.g. Kaptan or Rovral Flo 255 SC, several times (every 1-2 weeks).

7. The peony does not bloom because it is attacked by nematodes

If the peony has yellowish, weak leaves with drying edges, and no or very little flowering, it may be that the plant has been attacked by soil nematodes.You can be sure when you dig up a carp and see bulbous growths on the roots. Unfortunately, a peony infected with nematodes should be burnt. The P-DRAKOL preparation is helpful in reducing losses caused by nematodes and other soil pests.

Katarzyna Matuszak

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