Green asparagus contains more vitamins and minerals than white asparagus and is easier to grow. It is, of course, the same plant, but grown in two different ways. Professionally, it is cultivated for bleached and green stalks.A well-kept asparagus plantation, the so-called asparagus, it produces abundantly about 10 years.The yield may be lower in the first and last years. We plant the carps between April and the beginning of May.
Commercially available Dutch, German and French. For example, the variety 'Agrenteuil', offered by Plantico and PNOS, and 'Eposs' are worth recommending. According to the contractual conversion rate, one person should plant approx.10 carp.The substrate for asparagus cultivation should be dug deeply a few weeks before planting, preferably when the soil is dry, but still slightly frozen.
Before planting, the substrate should be mixed with a solid dose of compost. We plant the carps to the holes about 25 cm deep and about 40 cm wide. Spacing between wells should be approx. 50 cm.Loosen the bottom of the excavation with a pitchfork, then cover it with a 10 cm layer of compost.We spread the stumps on it, directing single roots outwards. Cover the seedlings and fill the entire hole with the previously selected substrate. If the soil is heavy and clayey, mix it with sand and compost.
The first two years are a period of adaptive development, in which the tabs are not cut for consumption.The carp can be bought or grown on their own from seeds. We start growing carp at the beginning of April by sowing seeds on the seedbed. In order to speed up the seedling production process, asparagus seeds can be stratified in mid-February - by pre-soaking and cooling with sand.