Krytoryjek alderis a dangerous pest of willows, also attacking birches and alders. Its larvae dig corridors inside the trunk, causing it to break and die. See how to recognize this pest, when it is easiest to observe the symptoms of its feeding, compare the photos of the critic with the symptoms visible on your plants and find outhow to fight the criticafter noticing it in the garden.
Krytoryjek alder tree - a hole in the trunk and sawdust thrown out by the larva.
Photo sent by our reader Mr. Jerzy.Thank you very much for sharing the photo
Krytoryjek alder(Cryptorhynchus lapathi), also referred to as critique alder, is a dark-bodied beetle (black or brown) with a third of the rear covers white. It is quite a dangerous and common pest on willows reproduced by grafting. From July to October, female beetles lay their eggs in pits gouged out under the bark. The larvae hatch from them and hibernate in these places until the next spring. The larvae damage plants by digging up corridors inside the trunks. Damaged shoots become brittle and their tips dry up.
Since the end of May, pouches of sawdust and excrement excreted by the larvae of the critique have been observed hanging on tree trunks. This is undoubtedlythe most distinctive and easily identifiable symptom of this pest's feeding.
In June, the larvae mature and pupate at the end of the hollow corridors.Adult beetles appear from July onwards, although some of them do not appear until the spring of the following year. Therefore,adult specimens of the Criticus can be observedthroughout most of the growing season - from May to October.
Krytoryjek alder tree - larva hidden under the bark.
Photo sent by our reader Mr. Jerzy.Thank you very much for sharing the photo
To avoid the appearance of this pest, carefully inspect the plants before purchasing. We check whether any damage to the bark, sawdust bags and larvae excrements is visible. Chemicalfighting the alder tree critiqueconsists in spraying trees and shrubs with a contact-systemic effect. Spraying should be done as soon as beetles are spotted on the plants (which most often happens in July, when the first larvae pupate and adult beetles begin to fly out) to control them before laying eggs under the bark of the trees.
Krytoryjek alder tree - adult (1), corridors drilled by larvae (2),
larva (3 ) and chrysalis (4-5).
Image released as public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Until recently, we recommended Provado Plus AE and Fastac 100 EC toto fight alder beetles. Currently, however, they are no longer available.
In this situation, it remains to reach for other measures to combat beetles on ornamental plants, such as Karate Gold.
Spraying should be repeated. Heavily damaged plants cannot be saved. They should be dug up and burned.
Agents to combat beetles on ornamental plantscan be ordered in our store. We guarantee high quality products, low prices and fast delivery. To view the offer, press the button below.