Why doesn't the hydrangea bloom?

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Hydrangeas are beautiful plants , especially during the flowering period. Their magnificent inflorescences immediately catch the eye. However, sometimes it happens thathydrangea does not bloomWhy is this happening and are we gardeners making any mistakes in the cultivation? Find out5 reasons why hydrangea doesn't bloomand learn how to stimulate flowering hydrangeas!

Why is the hydrangea not blooming?

1. Hydrangea does not bloom because it is frozen

This is a common reason. The hydrangea requires a semi-shaded position, preferably sheltered from frosty winds.PDuring harsh winters, the tops of the shoots or the whole shoots of the hydrangea freeze, as a result of which the hydrangea does not bloomThat is why it is so important to protect the hydrangea for the winter. For this purpose, we can make a mound of garden peat, bark or use coniferous twigs. Non-woven agrotextile hoods, i.e. a ready-made product that we put on a hydrangea bush to protect it from freezing, may also be helpful.

2. Hydrangea doesn't bloom due to bad pruning

The way to cut a hydrangea varies depending on the species of this plant. We will cut bouquet hydrangeas differently than garden hydrangeas. This is mainly due to the fact that they bloom on different shoots: one-year-old or two-year-old. Trimming the bush at the wrong date will prevent the hydrangea from blooming. This is especially true of the garden hydrangea. In turn, the bouquet hydrangea, which is not cut from year to year, will produce less and less flowers.
So,to induce flowering of hydrangeasand proceed as follows:

  • in the case of garden hydrangeas, leaf hydrangeas and oak-leaved hydrangeas in early spring, only cut out their dry inflorescences just above the first pair of buds,
  • in the case of hydrangeas blooming on this year's shoots, i.e. bouquet hydrangeas and shrub hydrangeas, trim the plants quite low each spring. Cut the shrub hydrangea to a height of about 20 cm, and cut the bouquet hydrangea to 2/3 of its length, above the 3rd or 4th bud. We also cut out all thin shoots. When pruned in this way, the bouquet hydrangeas will produce strong shoots ending with lush flowers from the buds left behind.

3. Hydrangea does not bloom due to lack of fertilization

As with most garden plants, also with hydrangeaslack of fertilization may result in the hydrangea not bloomingor its flowers being small and few.
Hydrangea needs proper fertilization for proper growth and development.For fertilizing hydrangeas, you can use granular fertilizers, as well as dissolving fertilizers and in liquid form. A properly balanced hydrangea fertilizer covers the plants' demand for macro- and micronutrients, and the high potassium content improves the condition,stimulating hydrangeas to bloom and facilitates the formation of flower buds

4. Hortensia does not bloom because she fell ill

Hydrangeas that are grown in poor positions or planted too densely often suffer from fungal diseases. Hydrangeas can be attacked by gray mold, powdery mildew, or leaf spot. As a result of infection with a fungal disease, the plant is weakened, its growth is inhibited, and as a consequencethe flowering is reduced, or even the complete absence of flowersThat is why it is so important to ensure appropriate conditions in the cultivation of hydrangeas and early and correct diagnosis fungal disease and appropriate spraying. Prophylactically, in order to prevent diseases, it is worth spraying the plants with natural preparations, such as: Biosept Active or Guard Zdrowe Decorative Plants.

5. Hydrangea does not bloom because it is attacked by an aphid

When clusters of dark green to almost black insects appear on the tops of the shoots and on the underside of the hydrangea leaves, it is probably an aphid. Aphids suck the sap from the hydrangea, weakening the plant, limiting its growth and causing distortion of the leaves.The foraging of aphids is the reason why the hydrangea does not bloomor produces few flowers, often distorted. As soon as the first symptoms of aphid feeding are noticed, the hydrangeas should be sprayed with an insecticidal preparation, eg Karate Zeon 050 CS.

MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs

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