Bougainvillea - cultivation, varieties, care

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Bougainvillea is a captivating plant with beautiful flowers, mainly associated with countries with hot climates. You can also grow bougainvillea here, but only indoors. Caring for this exotic climber is not complicated. Learn more about growing bougainvillea at home. Learn about the varieties of this plant and let yourself be enchanted by one of them.


Bougainvilleacomes from Brazil, belongs to the weird family (Nyctaginaceae). It is a truly exotic creeper plant.In its natural environment, it grows to enormous sizes (3-4 m high), and with its beautiful flowers it outshines everything in the vicinity. In fact, the breathtaking purple-pink cascades are not created by bougainvillea flowers, but intensely colored leaves, the so-called bugs. The actual flowers are white-yellow in color and are hidden between the showy flower buds. In our conditions, bougainvillea can be grown only in well-lit interiors, orangeries and warm greenhouses.

Bougainvillea - cultivation

Position, insolation
Bougainvillea is a sun and heat loving plant. Therefore, the best position forgrowing bougainvilleais south, southwest or west exposure. Daily bougainvillea must be min. 4 hours in full sun exposure. In bougainvillea, the more sunlight the better.

What land?
The bestsoil for bougainvilleais normal flower soil, possibly with some sand added.The pot must have good drainage. It is important to replant bougainvillea every year. Especially young plants require annual replanting. Every time you replant, make sure that the pot is slightly larger. The final pot size for bougainvillea should be 20 cm.
Bougainvillea loves the sun, but still be careful if its delicate leaves and flowers do not burn. Water generously from spring to autumn. When caring for bougainvillea, you should also pay attention to whether the water is standing in the pot. Watering the roots leads to yellowing of the leaves. When caring forbougainvillea , do not leave a drop of water on the leaves or flowers as this may cause burns to the leaves.
In the spring and summer period, we includebougainvillea fertilizationin the bougainvillea care process, once a week with a potassium-rich fertilizer. In order to properly care for bougainvillea, you should avoid drafts and any large temperature fluctuations.In cool and rainy weather, bougainvillea will not produce colorful flowers.
Bougainvilleais sensitive to pests such as aphids, spider mites and mealybugs, so you need to regularly monitor the he alth of the entire plant.
Bougainvillea reproductionis performed in spring or early summer, with the use of shoot cuttings, but it is quite a difficult and troublesome procedure, therefore in amateur bougainvillea it is not recommended to propagate it.
Wintering bougainvillea
In winter, bougainvillea must be allowed to rest. For this purpose, we move it to a bright and cool room, approx. 8-10 ° C. Watering is limited for the winter period, but we must not allow the root ball to dry out completely. Unfortunately, if we do not have a suitable room,wintering bougainvilleacan be troublesome. Fortunately, the inhabitants of blocks of flats can save themselves by simply exposing the plant to the staircase.It is only important that the neighbors do not open the windows and that there are no drafts.

Bougainvillea - varieties

There are two main species of bougainvillea. The first one issmooth bougainvilleaor Bougainvillea glabra with purple-pink flowers that appear in summer and autumn, is the most popular species.
Aleksandra is abougainvillea varietysmooth, exceptionally lush flowering.
Variegata, another smooth bougainvillea variety with creamy leaf edges.Bougainvillea x buttina is another, slightly softer species that gave rise to many smaller varieties with multi-colored buds.
Amethyst - This variety has a paper-thin, peach pink flower.
Killie Campbell, Orange King, Golden Glow - These varieties of B. x buttin have a golden and orange shade to the backs.
Jamaica Red - This bougainvillea variety has purple buds
Suprise is pink-purple, white, or both (hence the name).

Katarzyna Matuszak

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