Fruit tinctures made by yourself taste completely different than those bought in stores. In addition to the taste values, many of them also have a he alth effect. One of the most popular homemade recipes is the aromaticprune tinctureor otherwiseplum tincture on vodkaTo warm up in the winter cold, meet two provenrecipes for prune tincture
Plum liqueur on vodka
We use dried plums for the plum tincture. It can be both store-bought plums and prunes from your own plot. If you buy prunes, remember that they should be actually dried fruits, not smoked. They should also not be greased with oil.
We will not have such dilemmas when we decide to use prunes from our own cultivation. Here, however, it is worth knowing that Hungarian plums are best suited for drying. The fastest way to dry plums at home is to put them in the oven and keep them at 60 ° C overnight, then dry them the next 24 hours in a dry and airy place.
Note! If we want to use prunes as a tincture, it is advisable to add California prunes, which give a wonderful bouquet of flavors and aromas. Domestic prunes will not give such a good effect.
To prepare this tincture, we need: 0.25 kg of pitted dried plums, 1 liter of 45% vodka, 0.25 liters of spirit and 0.25 liters of water. To make this prune tincture, finely chop our prunes, then put them in a jar, pour the spirit and vodka over them and seal them tightly. Let the plums, which are flooded and tightly closed, set aside for 4 weeks at room temperature, remembering to shake the dish every few days.
Then pour the fruit liquid to another vessel, straining it through a funnel with cotton wool. To prevent sediment from remaining, you can also use a coffee filter for straining, but then it takes a little longer. Pour the plums remaining on the bottom with water, strain after 2 days and add to the previously strained liquid. Then mix and leave until the liquid clears. After a few days, the vodka should be decanted from the sediment, filtered and poured into bottles. It will be the tastier the longer it stands.
Note! Remember that the tincture preparation vessels must be perfectly clean. Even an unwashed cork soaked in some smell can spoil the whole effect. It is best to use dark glassware.
Taplum tinctureis considered particularly aromatic. Unlike the previous recipe, we do not use spirit to prepare it, but other fruits and spices will be useful.
Ingredients: 0.25 kg of pitted dried plums, 1.5 liters of 40% vodka, 2 oranges, one lemon, 2 handfuls of dried mint leaves, cinnamon bark (a piece approx. 10 cm long).
Cut the prunes and pour vodka over them. Add thinly peeled orange and lemon peels, crushed mint leaves and cinnamon. Close the vessel and set aside for two months, shaking every few days, just like in the case of the previous tincture. Then you need to filter it, let it stand for 2 weeks, and then pour it into bottles. Thisplum tincture on vodkawill achieve its fullness after about a year. It should be drunk in very small amounts and slowly, savoring its taste.