Bluszczyk kurdybanekis an inconspicuous perennial commonly regarded as a weed. Meanwhile, it is a valuable herbal raw material, andgrowing a kurdyban in the gardenit can be used to cover places where other plants do not want to grow. See what is theuse of Kurdybankin natural medicine, as well as in the kitchen, as an addition to dishes. Meetvarieties of kurdybankwith interesting ornamental values. Are there also potted plants?
Bluszczyk kurdybanek - Glechoma hederacea
Bluszczyk kurdybanek(Glechoma hederacea) is one of the 12 species belonging to the genus, but the only one that is cultivated in gardens. Sometimes it is also called an earthen blossoms, a curdybank or a tablecloth. It is common throughout Europe in forests, in fallow lands, in dense thickets. It starts its vegetation very early and ends very late, and in mild winters in quiet places, its green leaves can be found all year round. The leaves of the kurdybank are roundish with notched edges, small, 1-2 cm long. From April to June it produces tubular, bluish-purple flowers. The whole plant can reach a height of 10-20 cm.
In gardensit is used primarily as a turf plant that grows on difficult places where other plants do not want to grow. It grows perfectly in shaded places under trees and shrubs, along the border of a flowerbed and lawn, and at the foot of fences, at the border of paths and as a plant that fills the spaces between garden tiles.It also looks great in containers and hanging pots from which its limp shoots hang. "
Curdybank healing properties are very valuableIt contains volatile oils, tannins, resins, choline, a bitter substance - glechomine, saponins and mineral s alts. Therefore, thecurdyban vine was widely used innatural medicine. Kurdybank herb regulates metabolism and helps to cleanse the human body of toxins. It also has a diuretic and diastolic effect. It is used to detoxify and cleanse the liver, as well as in the treatment of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, as it facilitates the expectoration of purulent secretions in the nose and throat. In the latter application, drink 2-3 glasses of turmeric tea every day.
Kurdybank herb for medicinal useis harvested from April to the end of July, when it is young and the plant is blooming. It is best to collect them on dry and clear days from plants growing in sunny places (this is the most valuable).After harvesting, dry them quickly, placing them in a warm and airy place, at a temperature below 40 ° C.
Good to know!A very good recipe for how to makeKurdybank syrup for runny nose and coughreported Dr. Barbara Frąszczak in one of the issues of the monthly Działkowiec . In order to prepare the syrup, crush and then grind 100 g of fresh Kurdybank herb and immediately pour 300 ml of 60-70% hot alcohol. It is left aside for 7 days and then filtered. The extract obtained in this way is mixed with honey or raspberry syrup in a 1: 1 ratio. When ailments such as a cough or runny nose occur in the fall or winter, one tablespoon of the syrup is taken every 4-6 hours.
Thanks to the bitter aftertaste, thegrouse is used in the kitchen , as a spice plant - once very popular, now a bit forgotten. Dried turmeric greens can be used to season stewed meats and stews, vegetables and vegetable soups. Fresh chanterelle leaves are added to salads, salads, omelettes and scrambled eggs, cottage cheese spreads and herb butter.You can also season them with starch additives to dishes - potatoes, rice and pasta.
It is also worth knowing thatkurdybanekis a honey plant, and the honey obtained from its flowers has a bright color, light and pleasant aroma and a delicate, also pleasant, bitter aftertaste. This common weed is therefore a valuable resource for bees during its flowering period.
Bluszczyk kurdybanek 'Variegata'
Bluszczyk kurdybanek growncan be both sunny and shady. Only if we want to harvest its herb, remember that it is more valuable from sunny positions. Kurdybanek grows best in moderately fertile and moist soils. Its requirements are not excessive, but we can obtain the most beautiful plants by supporting them with small doses of nitrogen or multicomponent fertilizers.The plant can also be planted in pots. It looks especially nice in hanging pots.
The reproduction of the Kurdybank ivyis possible from shoot cuttings produced in late summer. They take on very easily. You can also reproduce by dividing in autumn or spring.
Note!When deciding to grow a kurdybank vine in the garden, due to its expansiveness, we must constantly remove plants growing in places where they are not supposed to appear. They have to be removed very carefully so as not to leave even the smallest root in the ground, from which the chanterelle can easily grow back. We should also remember not to use the removed plants for compost, because then, along with the scattered compost, the chanterelle will spread throughout the garden.
In the gardens, the species is mainly grown, as well as one quite popularvariety of the Kurdybank grouse 'Variegata' It is characterized by round, heart-shaped leaves with a wide white margin or irregular white spots, which give the plant an ornamental value.The variety 'Variegata'is slightly less frost-resistant than the species and requires shady or semi-shaded sites. The greater the sun exposure, the better it is, the wetter the soil is.
The attractive foliage ofbluszczyku kurdybanku 'Variegata'made it popular as a houseplant. In such conditions, it prefers medium insolation and normal room temperature, only in winter it is worth lowering the temperature in the vicinity of the courtyard to about 10 ° C and watering it less frequently. Under such conditions, its vegetation will last all year round. From spring to summer, it is worth feeding the kurdybank in pot cultivation every 2-3 weeks with liquid fertilizer.