Eggplant - nutritional properties and cultivation in the garden

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Eggplant(Solanum melongena), also called eggplant, love pear or nightshade, is a distinctive vegetable with purple skin and white-green flesh. However, someeggplant varietiesmay surprise many gardener with their appearance! Seewhat nutritional properties the eggplant hidesand what it should look likegrowing eggplant in the gardento make this vegetable grow he althy and surprise with its wonderful taste!

Eggplant, eggplant (Solanum melongena)

Eggplant - nutritional properties

Eggplant is valued for its nutritional, dietary and taste propertiesEggplant fruits are low in calories (only 15-24), and 91.9% water. In addition to it, fruits also contain carbohydrates, proteins and dietary fiber. The fat content in eggplant is small, as it only reaches 0.1%.

Eggplant contains mineral s alts- high in potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, and low in sodium. This is good, because there is usually too much sodium (from table s alt) in our diet. We may lack these other minerals. 100 g of fresh eggplants contain about 220 mg of potassium, which covers 10% of the body's daily requirement for this ingredient.The fruits of this vegetable are a source ofB vitamins: B1, B2, PP, B6 and vitamin C.

Good to knowEggplant is sometimes called a love pear, because in many countries its fruits are attributed the power of an aphrodisiac. It owes this strength to the high content of minerals and vitamins. Eggplant can therefore be a great dish for a romantic dinner: -)

Eggplant - growing in the garden

There areforeign aubergine varieties on the Polish market , e.g. 'Black Beauty', 'Moneymaker F1', 'Violetta fi Firenze', but there are also Polish varieties, such as . 'Long Purple F1', 'Long Purple F1'. Usuallyeggplant fruits are purple , but there are also green, yellow, pink, orange-red and even white, like in the 'Easter Egg' variety.
Eggplant has high heat requirements(18-30 ° C) and is sensitive to water shortage.It yields well in warm, airy soils, rich in humusIn hot summer, eggplant can grow and mature in the ground, although it is best grown in a greenhouse or a foil tunnel. We start growing this vegetable from seedlings in spring.
Eggplant seeds germinate slowly, and so is the growth of seedlings.We sow eggplant in March in an apartment or a heated greenhouse, and plant it in the ground when the temperature reaches at least 15 ° C(usually in late May / early June).Before sowing, soak the eggplant seeds at a temperature of 20 ° C. And we sow immediately into the pots so that the plants do not droop, which would slow down their development.

Eggplant - different varieties

If you want to plant 10m², you need to plant about 0.5g ofseeds, i.e. about 50 seeds. Plants will be planted in the beds at a distance of 50-60x40-50 cm.
Before planting the eggplant seedlings to the destination , we need to properly prepare the soil. Since this vegetable prefers soil rich in nutrients, it is necessary to dig the soil with compost or well-composted manure.During the flowering and fruiting of plants, they need to be watered abundantly. Additionally,it is worth feeding the eggplants withliquid fertilizer. We can reach for both mineral and organic fertilizers, e.g. biohumus.
To get a sumptuous eggplant , limit the number of eggplants to five per plant, tearing off any later flower buds.
Eggplant fruiting begins after 70-90 days after planting seedlingsHarvest the fruit when they reach the size appropriate for the variety, and their skin will be shiny, because when it becomes dull, the fruit begins to turn bitter. The yields, depending on the variety, from a 10m² bed are usually 8-10 kg.
Eggplant is often attacked by aphidsand the Colorado potato beetle. So let's not forget about the constant control and observation of plants. In the event of the appearance of unwanted insects, it is worth reaching for ecological spraying on nettle aphids, dandelion or ready-made natural preparations, such as Emulpar 940 EC. In the case of the appearance of the Colorado beetle, it is worth reaching for the Spintor 240 SC preparation.

MSc Eng. Joanna Białowąs

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