Soil nematodesare pests that live in the ground. Although they are so small that we cannot see them with the naked eye, they can severelydamage plant roots, leading to disease and diebackHow to recognize that we are dealing with nematodes and which nematode species are the most dangerous? Learn how tocombating soil nematodesand find out whichnematode preparationsare best for home and allotment gardens!
Soil nematodes
Nematodes belong to the group of multicellular organisms inhabiting the soil. They are not all harmful.One of the groups of soil nematodes are plant parasites, i.e. pests that attack our gardensNematodes feeding on plants limit their growth, damage roots, and promote the penetration of soil pathogens into plants. Importantly,soil nematodes can transmit viral diseases that are dangerous for plants
The most famousspecies of harmful soil nematodes are the nematodes(Meloidogyne spp.), Which feed inside the roots of the plant. As a result of their foraging , the characteristic growthsare formed on the roots, and the plants are weak and their development is disturbed.
Similarly,is also harmful to nematodes of the genus rooting(Pratylenchus), which are among the most dangerous pests of woody plants. Their foraging leads to the death of young roots as a result of the formation of toxic compounds in them.
The nematodes attack ornamental, fruit and vegetable plants as well as lawns. If the grass withers, turns yellow and comes off easily from the ground, it is a sign that it may have beenattacked by soil nematodes .
Good to know!
Similar symptoms on the lawn can be caused by both soil nematodes and grubs (beetle larvae). To be sure, it is worth digging up a fragment of the turf and after picking up a tuft of grass with roots, check that no white, hooked larvae are visible in the ground.If we see larvae, it means that the lawn has been attacked by grubsIf we do not see anything, most likely we are dealing with nematodes that cannot be seen with the naked eye (their body length usually does not exceed 0.3 mm).
Fighting soil nematodesis not an easy task. Fortunately, when dealing with these pests, we have several methods to choose from.
1. Plants repelling nematodes
The first method of controlling soil nematodes iscultivating plants that repel nematodes . Through their roots, such plants emit substances (e.g. fragrances) that the nematodes cannot tolerate. As a result,the number of nematodes decreases .
A plant that exhibits these properties istagetes, which is toxic to soil nematodesTagetes roots contain substances that reduce the population of Pratylenchus nematodes. For years, tagetes have also been recommended for combating dangerous harmful root rot. That is whyit is worth sowing marigolds among other plantsFor their effectiveness to be the best, they should grow in soil inhabited by nematodes for 3-4 months.
Anotherplant that is effective against soil nematodesis asparagus. Glucosides that are harmful to nematodes can be found in the stems, leaves and roots of this plant.
2. Garlic extract
If you do not want to plant the above-mentioned plants in the garden, it is worth preparingplant extracts effective in combating soil nematodes . Garlic extract turns out to be proven.
Toprepare garlic extract against nematodesyou need 200g garlic cloves and 10 liters of water. Crush the garlic and pour water over it. Then we set aside for 3 days. After this time, the prepared preparation can be used to water the plants or spray the soil.
Mostchemical nematode protection agentscan only be used by professional users and their use contaminates the soil unnecessarily. Therefore, in garden crops to combat soil nematodes, it is worth choosingready-made preparations for nematodes of natural originSuch measures do not harm the environment, and are effective enough.
A highly effectivenatural nematode preparation is P-DRAKOL It contains selected strains of bacteria that favor the elimination of soil nematodes. The use of P-DRAKOL eliminates the effects of soil nematodes, regenerates the root system and improves the overall condition of plants, and quickly regenerates turf in attacked lawns.
After dissolving in water, P-DRAKOL should be spread over the soil surface with a watering can or sprayer, and then mixed with the soil. In the case of a lawn, the entire surface of the turf should be watered abundantly. The preparation is highly effective after 2-3 treatments at 14-day intervals.
Good to know!
P-DRAKOL helps to eliminate both soil nematodes and grubs. This is very useful when we are not sure which soil pests are causing the damage to our garden.
Mgr inż. Joanna Białowąs