American gooseberry mildewis a disease that commonly affects gooseberries. Symptoms of the disease can be seen on leaves, shoots, and also on gooseberries. Fruits attacked by powdery mildew are unfortunately no longer fit for consumption. That is why it is worth getting to know the methods of fighting this disease, the gooseberry protection program against powdery mildew and how to prevent the appearance of powdery mildew in our garden.
American gooseberry powdery mildew - infected fruit
Fig. Mirabela,
American gooseberry mildewis a disease caused by the fungus Sphaerotheca mors-uvae. Symptoms of the disease can be seen on the shoots, top leaves and gooseberries. The infested parts of the plant become covered with a white, with time browning mycelium layer with visible conidial spores. Symptoms of infection on the tops of shoots can be observed from early spring, and the first mealy spots on leaves and fruits appear at the beginning of June. it slows down, the tops of the shoots die off, and the fruits are not matured, covered with brown spots and are not fit for consumption. Dry and warm weather favors the spread of the symptoms.
First of all, avoid planting gooseberry varieties easily affected by this disease. The varieties sensitive to the American gooseberry mildew include: Biały Triumf, Czerwony Triumf, Rzeszowski, Green Bottle, Yellow Triumph and Lady Delamere.Do not plant these gooseberry varieties in your garden!
Instead of these varieties, you should plant varieties resistant or rarely affected by mildew in your gardens, such as: Invicta, Resistenta, Pax, Kamieniar, Niesłuchowski, Hinnonmaki Rot.
It is also extremely important to provide the shrubs with appropriate growth conditions and a sunny and airy position. Gooseberries should not be grown in places with high air humidity and frequent mist (e.g. in depressions). The soil under the shrubs should be weeded regularly, and when watering the entire shrubs should be avoided - it is better to supply the water directly to the soil.
The development ofof the American powdery mildewis also favored by the excessive density of shrubs and shoots on the bush. Therefore, the bushes should not be planted too densely (recommended spacing is 1.5 m between shrub forms and 1 m between the standard gooseberry forms) and regularly cut the gooseberry through. During the growing season, symptomatic shoots should be removed on an ongoing basis.All fallen leaves and infected fruit should also be removed. They have to be thrown away, and preferably burned. We do not compost them under any circumstances.
If varieties affected by powdery mildew of the American gooseberry are already growing in our garden and this disease has occurred in recent years, it is necessary to carry out a series of spraying in accordance withgooseberry protection program .
The risk of disease infection should be assessed based on the observation of the infestation of the shoot tips in early spring. Shoots showing signs of infection should be cut and removed from the plot. Then we start spraying on the following dates: before flowering, after flowering, after harvesting the fruit.
Note!When deciding to spray gooseberries in the period after flowering, remember about the grace period (the period that must pass from spraying to harvesting) .For some preparations, this period is as long as 21 days. Detailed information on the grace periods for each of the measures is provided below.
The following preparations are recommended to combat powdery mildew on gooseberries:
Topas 100 EC - use the agent preventively and in intervention, after the first symptoms of the disease appear, from the beginning of the inflorescence development phase to the end of the plant dieback phase. The recommended dose for a single spraying is 5 ml dissolved in 2-10 liters of water, which is enough to spray 100m² of crops. The interval between spraying should be at least 7 days, and the maximum number of sprays that can be done with this product during the growing season is 2. The withdrawal period in gooseberry crops is 20 days.
The number of sprays that need to be done againstAmerican gooseberry mildewis very large, and this is certainly not conducive to our he alth or the protection of the environment. If the gooseberry bushes in our garden are constantly affected by powdery mildew, it is better to remove them and plant a gooseberry variety resistant to powdery mildew or give up growing this shrub.