Kamassia - cultivation, garden species and varieties, reproduction

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Although the cultivation of bulbs has become very popular, and the autumn offer of flower bulbs is extremely rich, it is difficult to find information about the cultivation of some of them, even in the catalogs of specialist companies. Such rare species include the kamassias, which are perfect for planting in small groups among ornamental grasses or low perennials. Here are the secrets of growing them.

Kamasja Kusika is the most rapidly growing species of kamassia, with long, leathery leaves and light blue flowers, gathered in large clusters at the tops of the shoots

Kamasja - characteristics

Kamasje(Camassia) are partially winter hardy bulbs originating from North America and South America. They are decorated with star-shaped, small flowers with thin flowers, occurring in shades of blue, purple to white, gathered in oblong, upright inflorescences. The flowers at the bottom of the inflorescence always open first, and then growing higher and higher. These plants bloom from mid-May to June. The leaves are mostly narrow, oblong, green in color.

An interesting fact is that the onions of all kamasias are edible. They used to be an important source of food for Native Americans in the northwest of the North American continent.

Kamasja Leichtlina 'Caerulea' blooms blue at the end of spring. Star-shaped flowers, 7.5 cm in diameter, gradually bloom from the bottom to the top of the inflorescence

Kamassia - garden species and varieties

Currently, mainly 3 species of kamassia are cultivated as ornamental plants.The first one iskamasja Kusika(Camassia cusickii), reaching a height of 80 - 100 cm. Forms long, leather-like leaves up to 50 cm long and large clusters of inflorescences located on top of stiff stems. Light blue or lilac flowers, about 5 cm in diameter, gathered in clusters. The bulbs are very large, elongated, covered with light brown, shiny scales.

Another representative, sometimes found in gardens, iskamsja Leichtlina(Camassia leichtlini). Its leaves are narrow, upright, light green. It also grows up to about 1 m in height. The starry flowers are slightly larger than those of the previous species - 7.5 cm in diameter. Among the available garden varieties it is worth mentioning 'Alba' with cream-white flowers, 'Caerulea' with blue flowers, 'Blauwe Donau' with lavender-blue flowers with lilac anthers and 'Plena' with green-white flowers.
But the most beautiful of all kamasias isedible kamassia(Camasia esculenta, syn.Camasia quamash), forming dense inflorescences composed of pale blue to violet-blue and white small flowers, about 4 cm in diameter. It is much shorter than the species described above and only reaches 40 cm in height. Its onions are also smaller, almost spherical, covered with dark brown scales.

Edible Camassia grows up to 40 cm in height. Above the clumps of long, equilibrium leaves appear short, dense inflorescences of pale blue to violet-blue and white flowers, about 4 cm in diameter

Kamasja - cultivation, requirements

Undercultivation of kamassiachoose a sunny place, possibly very slightly shaded. The soil should be fertile, humus, moist and slightly acidic. The bulbs are planted in autumn to a depth adapted to their size, usually 10 - 15 cm. After planting, we cover the beds against frost, especially in colder regions of the country.Water the plants from spring to flowering. After flowering, we stop watering so thatkamasjewill go into summer dormancy. After flowering, we also cut out the inflorescence shoots (unless we want to obtain seeds for propagation). At the beginning of July, the onions are dug up and stored in a ventilated room at 15-20 ° C until autumn.

Note! After publishing this text, I received an interesting e-mail from one of our readers. As it turns out, Kamassia may be even easier to cultivate than we think. Here is what Mr. Lech wrote to us about the cultivation of kamasias:
"Contrary to what the Lord writes, citing the indicated sources, the kamassia is a completely frost-resistant onion plant. I have never covered it before and never recorded that it would dream (Upper Silesia). I also do not dig it out after flowering and leaves die off. I only do what I do. several years to thicken the ball of newly grown onions …
This plant develops very handsome, large onions, which I have never even tried to taste, knowing about the Indian diet … Its flowers blooming from the bottom to the top of the cone are very charming, but the lanceolate leaves die for a very long time, which among other he althy plants may be a certainty aesthetic dissonance (brown spots appear).However, this is a matter of individual choice. "
I hope that this information will be helpful for our readers who decide to cultivate kamassia, and I would like to thank their author for sharing this knowledge with us: -)

Kamassia reproduction

The propagation of kamassiais easy to carry out by separating incoming bulbs, which the plants produce several each year. Blooming specimens will be obtained within 2-3 years. Propagation from seeds is also possible, but much more complicated - flowering plants need to wait from 3 to even 5 years and they often do not repeat the characteristics of the mother plant. Seeds are sown immediately after harvesting in well-drained but moist soil.

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